Meeting for the First Time

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"Security said they're on their way right now," Josh said putting his phone down next to him and smiling at Tyler.

"Oh God I'm so nervous," Tyler said while pacing back and forth.

"Hey, it'll be okay. You'll love her. She's the sweetest thing in the world!" Debby cheered.

Tyler sprayed a couple spritz of cologne since he didn't have time to shower, and put a hat on over his fluffy brunette hair followed by a random t-shirt he grabbed out of his bag. Grabbing his phone, he dialed your number.

"What are you doing?" Josh asked.

"I want to tell her who I am before she gets in here," Tyler said.

"What? Wh-"

"Hello?" you answer while walking down the hallway towards their dressing room.

"Y/N I...I need to tell you something," Tyler stuttered.

You were literally standing in front of the dressing room door as security knocked, asking for permission to enter.

"Come in!" you heard Josh say through both the door and phone.

"I-I-I'm," Tyler tried saying as you both locked eyes for the first time upon the door opening.

"I already know," you said as you both held the phones to your ears before running towards the other, hugging so tightly you both couldn't breathe almost.

"Wait what" Noah said, completely lost as he still stood out in the hall while you two hugged in front of the doorway.

You wiped away the small tears from happiness that formed in the corner of your eyes as you backed away from Tyler and turned to Noah. "It's BathTimeTyler," you said, smiling as you sucked in snot from your nose. Tyler's eyes were still wide and Noah's jaw almost smacked the floor.

"What the fuck," Noah screamed. "AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME?"

"I didn't tell anyone once I found out for sure," you smiled shyly.

"How did you know?" Tyler asked, nerves beginning to get the best of him as he started to shake.

"You know when this asshole and the others joked about my uh..." you looked around the room at Josh and Debby and became flushed.

"...yes" Noah and Tyler laughed. Debby and Josh looked confused as they stared at you three.

"You said Tyler from Twenty One Pilots was you unknowingly. Oh, and you said Josh in the background one time. I just knew," you started.

"I just...I didn't want to say anything...I was afraid you'd get mad at me or not want to talk to me or our friendship would be at risk or..." your voice cracked, on the verge of tears before Tyler brought you in for another hug, this one longer and more close than the first. Both of your shaking managed to subside within the presence of the other, and both Josh, Debby, and Noah noticed, causing them to all smile upon the sight.

I thought the same," Tyler said leaning down to whisper in your ear. He was easily 6 - 7 inches taller than you, so the height difference was a bit of a difference to say.

"This is beautiful," Josh said.

"GROUP HUGGGGG!!!" Debby screamed as the three rushed you two. Everyone giggled and pulled away, except you and Tyler.

"Are you guys gonna be...good?" Noah asked laughing.

"Come here, Noah," Tyler said giving him a quick hug.

"It's great to finally meet you man," Noah said smiling.

"Same to you and Y/N," Tyler replied.

You sat there smiling like an idiot while looking up at him. You were so happy to be able to see him in person for the first time, and he looked even better than the photos. So did Debby and Josh.

"Why don't we all go out and get some dinner?" Debby suggested, all but you realizing she was hinting at going back to the hotel so you could meet Ben and Alex as well.

"S-sure," you said stuttering. Tyler was absolutely gorgeous and you couldn't believe you both had a thing for one another. He was hotter than hell and his smile was piercing through you as well as his gorgeous brown eyes. It was like heaven on earth was wrapped around you, and you were going to take full advantage of it for the time being.

Tyler giggled and hugged you again, tugging on your arm to follow him and the others out into the hallway to make your way towards the tour bus. You laughed and ran along with him, your smile matching his in happiness. 



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