Concert Tickets

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 After hearing Tyler potentially just admit to you that it was him, your mind had been racing a billion miles a minute. You didn't want to repeat to him the fact that he called himself Tyler Joseph within your last Discord call, because two things could happen: a) it was just a joke and you'll make an idiot out of yourself, or b) it really is him and you don't want to make things weird by having him know that you know it's him. You love what you both have going for you, and if you finding out who he truly is changes that you would be devastated. Funny thing is, the same went for him with you. Perhaps you two are starting to like one another, yes?  

It was early in the afternoon and you were at work, but the guys had the day off and were busy gaming and talking about random things.

"So guys, guess what I'm thinking about doing," Noah starts.

"What?" Tyler asks.

"So, I guess Y/N's favorite band just announced they were going on tour..."

Tyler clenched his fists and his breath hitched, causing him to start coughing.

" okay, dude?" Noah asks.

"I'm fine...j-just didn't know that uh...Twenty One Pilots were gonna...gonna start touring" he lied through his teeth.

"Yeah, me neither. I got an e-mail saying they were though apparently from Ticket Master. So since they're her favorite thing ever, I was gonna try and get her some tickets," Noah said happily.

"Oh my God she would flip the fuck out!" Ben said all giddy.

"You need to do it!!!" Alex cheered.

Tyler remained utterly silent. He didn't know what to say. Didn't know what to think. What was he to do when knowing he would be in the same arena, same ROOM, as a person who he's slowly starting liking online? He doesn't even know what you look like, but he didn't care. Your personality, your soul, your humor was enough to make up for that. Never once did he think of admitting he was into you, in fear of what would happen, so he kept it to himself. He doesn't know how the hell he'd be able to handle knowing he would be performing in front of you, though. Should you meet? Should he remain quiet? A million questions flew threw his mind.

"Tyler what do you think?" Noah asked.

Breaking Tyler from his thought process, he only said the first thing that came to his mind, which was the honest answer of: "Yes,"

"WOO-HOO Y/N IS GONNA SEE TWENTY ONE PILOTS!!!!" Alex and Ben cheered.

"You three can't say anything to her yet, okay? I want this to be a total surprise." Noah warned.

"Only if you show us you surprising her with the tickets," Alex said.

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?" Noah asked.

"Turn on your webcam and put it on to show you giving the tickets to her without her knowledge? How hard is that?" Ben asked.

"Guess you're right," Noah went on.

Tyler felt knots form in his stomach. What was he going to do? Should he admit to you he is who he really is? (eVEN THOUGH HE DOESN'T REALIZE HE ALREADY HAS). Does he give you backstage passes? Does he make it worth your while?

"I just purchased them. Are you guys going to be on tonight? Tyler, do you want to see her reaction?" Noah asks.

"Y-yes," Tyler replied slowly.

"You okay dude?" Ben asked.

"What? Why? Yes? I'm good," Tyler replied.

"You just shifted in attitude all of a sudden," Ben warned.

"I...I just really like Twenty One Pilots" he said nervously laughing.

"Oh, okay then." Alex said.

"Everyone, be here at 9 p.m. and I'll give her the tickets," Noah said cheerfully. The four agreed and counted down the hours until it was time for the big surprise.


"What is your deal, Noah?" you asked as he rushed you in to his bedroom.

"I got you something," he said shyly.

Alex, Ben, and Tyler watched as you entered the room and sat on Noah's bedroom. Tyler was speechless. You were the most adorable sight he had ever laid eyes on. Your short blue hair, gorgeous pastel pink skirt and matching shoes with a beautiful black lace top...everything about you screamed utter cuteness that he couldn't take his eyes off of. Your smile made him bubbly and you didn't even realize he had seen what you truly looked like for the first time.

"I swear to god Noah, what did you do?" you asked laughing nervously.

"Here," he said, handing you an envelope.

Tyler bit his bottom lip as he saw you slowly open the envelope holding the tickets. He knew you realized what was going on as soon as he saw your jaw drop. Immediately you began crying and turned into a heaping mess of tears, with Tyler seeing it unfold and feeling butterflies swarming in his stomach.

"T-thank you Noah," you said reaching up and hugging him tightly.

"You're welcome, I figured you'd be excited. Alex, Ben, and Tyler were excited, too" he said, pointing at his computer.

"W-what?" you asked while wiping snot away from your nose.

"Say hi! They just watched this all happen," Noah said while laughing.

You stopped in your tracks and gasped knowing that a guy who you were interested in just saw you for the first time without your knowledge and of all things you were crying.

"tyLER?" you asked with immediate concern.

"...hi..." a shy voice said from the computer.

"Oh my God," you said rushing out of the room into the restroom while trying to make yourself look decent.

Why did she run away?  he thought to himself.

"I think someone has the hots for you," Alex laughed.

"What? She's never even seen what I look like," Tyler said sternly.

"Y/N is the type of person to not care what someone looks like. If you have a good heart and soul, she'll choose you over any hottie with a fake personality." Ben said, supporting you...even though you already knew what he looked like.

Tyler immediately felt feelings grow a little more towards you and how amazing of a person you were. Maybe he should come clean and show who he really is upon the night of you two being in the same room for the first time ever. He just wasn't sure yet, and wasn't sure if he ever would be.



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