Getting up, she trudged to her restroom and brushed her teeth before taking the braids out of her hair that she’d placed in the night before. The waves laid softly on her shoulders after she ran a brush over them, smoothing out the kinks.

Walking into her closet, she flipped through her clothes. Before long, she decided on a pair of khaki capris and a pink tee. With a pair of pink wedged heels and earrings to match, she slipped on the clothes and walked back into her bathroom. Lisa looked into the mirror and grabbed her breasts.

They are huge! she thought to herself, And it has nothing to do with me being overweight either!

Lisa knew that she’d had large breast since she jumped into puberty. Every day, she believed, they seemed to grow larger without an end point in sight. At the moment, they were a double E. She badly wanted a breast reduction but her insurance provider refused to cover it because she was overweight. They’d requested that she lose weight and if they remained to be too large, they’d schedule another consultation and might cover one. It did nothing for her peace of mind.

Not wanting to lose weight, and loving the way she looked, it simply wasn’t in her immediate plans to go back and hear the same thing for the third time. Having bountiful curves, and not having to worry about anyone or anything telling her how to eat was exactly how she preferred it. She believed that she was healthy and wondered why it should matter what others thought of her curvy frame.

She was fed up with people telling her that she needed to lose weight!

Taking a few deep breaths, she pressed play and Trey Songz’s Hail Mary began playing through the speakers and calmed her down.

It was her background music as she did her makeup, nothing too hard. Foundation, a little eye shadow and liner, blush, color tinted lip gloss, and tweaking her eyebrows to perfection topped it off. Once cute, Lisa grabbed her phone and threw it into her pocketbook. After every light in her house was out and she’d unplugged everything, she walked out of her front door.

Getting into her 2009 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500, she realised the tale she’d been through to get it was crazy. After the car had broken down on a male friend, he’d said it would cost him too much to have it fixed. Telling her that if she could fix, she could have it had been a great thing and exactly what she’d done.

Little had her friend known, her father had been a mechanic and she would find her afternoon’s sitting and watching as he fixed cars. All the pretty car had needed was two new cylinders, a battery cord and one hell of an oil change.

After he’d signed the title over, she’d decided to fix her up. Black speckled paint with a right side pink pinstripe decal, pink colored low beam headlights and a khaki interior not counting the pink steering wheel concluded her prized car.

Having a family that was into the car business, they’d basically done it free of charge. With the exception of the meals she’d had to cook.

For the first time since waking, she took a look at the time. It read 1:30.

"That was a good ass sleep!" she admitted aloud as she drove around looking for a place that served what she was in the mood to eat.

Finally deciding on wanting R Jays, being in the mood for some fried chicken and collard greens, she parked in the makeshift parking space beside the restaurant and grabbed her wallet before getting out of her car.

Walking through the restaurant door, a gust of cold air hit her, causing her to shiver. Whenever it happened, Lisa automatically believed that her grandfather was lurking around and something was about to happen. This in mind, she kept her guard up.

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