Chapter 31

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Last chapter omg :(

Pls don't hate me. I've only written like 2K and I went straight to the point. I hurried this chapter but I have written the first chapter of the sequel and I cannot wait for you guys read it!

Please vote and comment throughout the chapter.

Follow Harry's Instagram which is:


And Emily's Instagram which is:



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It was 4 AM and I had to leave the house at 5.

I bit my tongue to stop myself from crying because I didn't have the energy to.

I chuckled when I felt a tear fall onto my cheek. I quickly wiped it off with my sleeve.

I was ready by 4:45. I was dressed in comfortable clothes, grey chinos, and a black hoodie. I also had extra time because I didn't do my makeup because frankly I did not care. So obviously I would have red puffy eyes, with dark circles around them, and red cold skin and now I feel bad for myself.

"Hey, I'm ready.." I tell my dad as I slowly open his bedroom, rolling luggage with one hand, and carrying a duffle bag on my shoulder.

I found Lissa fixing his tie, and him buttoning up his suit.

"He's starting work today hun."

"I'm- I'm leaving today." I stutter.

She finally fully turned her head to me and fake smiled. "Right, you are leaving today."

"He was supposed to be my ride." I gulp.

"Sorry Emmy, I'll just see you next time, okay?" My dad says as he hurries out the door after kissing the top of my head and giving me 20 pounds.


"Can you take me to the airport?" I timidly ask Lissa because I was vulnerable and this was the first time I asked her for anything.

"Busy with Margaret." She says swinging her bag over her shoulder and pushes passed me.

I almost cry as I walk outside my house and watch my dad drive to his work, and Margaret and Lissa drive to wherever they plan on doing whatever today.

I look over to Harry's house and he's leaning against his car. He was smoking a cigarette.

I waved to him and he nodded his head.

"Can you give me a ride?"

"I'd rather you walk all the way to the airport so that you'll miss your flight." He responded and I bit the insides of my cheeks.

He hopped into his car and started his engine, he drove his to car to the front of my house and rolled his windows down.

"Well are you coming or what?"

I walked over to him and I hopped into his car after I put my bags into his trunk.

I leaned over to kiss him but he turned his head.

"Don't Em."

I cleared my throat.

30 minutes later, we were at the airport and he kindly opened my door as he walked passed it to walk to his trunk and carry my luggages.

Summertime Douchebag (COMPLETE/WILL EDIT)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن