Chapter 11

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"Let's not bring that up." I looked down.

"Why'd you bring it up in the first place?"

"I didn't."

"I meant when you asked me." He reminded.

Which made me mentally slap myself at how stupid I am for asking him in the first place, and fighting the urge to slap Brandy for telling me that information.

"I already told you why, to repay you." I shrugged.

"Out of all the things you can repay me with, why did you think of a blowjob?" He narrowed his eyes.

"I thought you had self respect." He mumbled.



"Excuse me?" I looked at him, gripping onto my seat so I don't punch him for being an asshole. "Don't talk to about self respect, you narcissistic whore!"

"Self respect?!" I mocked him, air quoting his words. "Think about all the shit you do, think about what age you did and are doing it at before you insult me, ME about self respect."

I crossed my arms.

"Just fucking get me home." I said through gritted teeth.

He laughed and said, "No."

"I'm bleeding from my fucking vagina, Harry. Take me home before I stain your car seats." I growled.

"You're cute when you're angry." He caressed my chin.

Is he fucking serious?

I slapped his hand away. "You're so immature."

"But you can't get enough of me." He whispered leaning in and attaching our lips together.

And I would be into it but my period and the anger that comes with it is cockblocking and I really couldn't stop myself from pushing his face so far away from mine.

"What the fuck?"

"I have self respect." I groaned, sitting up and fixing my top.

"Okay, let's pretend that your period is stopping you from fucking me because I know that if you weren't on it, you'd be sucking or riding my dick right now."

I looked at him and clenched my jaw. After a few seconds, I laughed.


I inhaled and exhaled slowly.

"Please take me home."


"JUST TAKE ME HOME!" I kicked his glove compartment. "You know what, fuck this shit. I'm walking my ass home."

He got a hold of my wrist and I tried my hardest to pull it back.

"Let go of my wrist before I end up ripping your arm from your body." I threatened.

"Okay, Okay kitten. I'll let go, but let me take you home." He offered. "You wouldn't want to get eaten up by a vampire, would you? They can smell your blood from a mile away." He laughed.

His eye crinkled and his smile was so wide, I couldn't help but laugh too. I immediately shut my mouth when I realized that I just lost.

"Come in, we can watch Twilight when we get home if you want." He smiled.

No, he needs to stop doing that. He needs to stop being an asshole one second, and a charming dickhead the next.

"I hate you." I said, hopping into his car.

Summertime Douchebag (COMPLETE/WILL EDIT)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ