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New Year's Eve

Louis threw his head back with a loud laugh. They just finished performing at Times Square. Niall runs backstage and picks Ally up from Lou.

"Thanks for watching her, look how big my baby is getting." He smiles.

"No problem at all." Lou smiles at him before turning her head towards Louis. "When are you boys going to tie the knot? Ally's already 6 months old, the fans are dying from the longest engagement ever."

Louis swallows the water that's in his mouth before screwing the lid back onto the bottle.

"Actually." Louis starts looking over at Harry. Harry smirks hard. "We're doing it tonight, at midnight."

Lou cracks up into a grin and the boys shake their heads. "When were you planning on telling us?" Zayn asks.

"We have to make sure Ryan was going to let us. We have," Harry looks down at his watch. "One hour before the ball drops so we're going to get it set up now."

The next hour is rushing around and changing into everything last minute. But then ally is in a cute dress and the boys are in tuxes. Louis heard Ryan y'all into his mic out on the stage that they stand on to do their show.

"Now this year left many many unanswered questions. When will the next toy story movie drop? What is in store on the new OFFICE reboot? But the most pressing question for fans of the boy band One Direction-" the crowd screams. "The most pressing question is when will Louis and Harry finally tie the knot? Well, get ready cause right now, live from Times Square, we ring in the New Years with wedding bells. You don't want to miss this, we'll be right back." The crowd screams so loud Louis chuckles.

The camera pans out to where the boys are standing. Louis and Harry are facing each other with nervous, but happy, smiles on their faces. Zayn and Lou are standing behind Louis and Liam, and Niall is standing behind Louis with Ally In Niall's arms.

The priest comes up to them while they are in the commercial break they read through most of it so when they come back right before the ball drops they can say the important stuff.

Ryan comes over to them. "We're back, you boys ready?" He asks.

Louis and Harry both smile and nod.

"Alright, one direction fans, hold on the cause while we were on break Louis and Harry have been getting the boring stuff out of the way. You ready boys?" Ryan calls from where he's standing.

They smile over at him.

"Alright then with the last five minutes, bring us, home boys!"

"Louis," Harry says taking the ring from Niall. "When we lost Theo, I felt like my world stopped." Louis' throat tightens. "And every breath I took was just one more without him. I miss him, but everything I loved about him was because of you. His blue eyes, his ability to make anyone smile just by hearing his name. Everything you do just by walking into the room. I love you, Louis Tomlinson. I love you, and Theo, and any more kids you bless me with. I'll learn to live with him not here, but I'll never be able to do that if you weren't here." Harry slides the ring down Louis' finger.

Louis can feel the tear roll off his cheek before he spins to grab Harry's ring. He turns back around.

"Harry, I don't have a speech or anything overly meaningful to say. I just don't have the time to say everything I love about you and to try and sum it up would be unrealistic. I love you, Harry, I love you and our baby." Louis feels teardrop. "I want to grow old and gross and unattractive with you. I want every minute to be you, me and our beautiful family we'll build. I love you, Harry Styles." Louis slides Harry's ring on.

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