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Louis sent me downstairs after I asked him that, he told me he couldn't, and he needed to think, I'm second guessing even being mated now. I explained briefly what happened to the boys. Niall seamed a lot calmer and went up to talk to him. I really think I might have fucked up big this time. What if I completely blew it and I lose him forever now?

Louis's POV

Niall walked in and sat down next to me on the bed, "You okay?" Niall asked.

"I don't know. I love him I really do." I told Niall.

"Then why won't you let him mark you. Louis, he loves you so much and you turning him down like this is killing him inside. He doesn't know what to do, he thinks he blew it completely." Niall said.

"I hate this. I hate that I won't let him do it. I hate how I'm hurting him like this but I'm scared. He brought up marriage and mating and next he'll want kids and a white picket fence?! It's just overwhelming. I'm signing my life away, and that scares the hell out of me." I told him.

"Harry would never hurt you, Lou. We wouldn't let him, and he's incapable of hurting you. Why are you so worried about being happy? Why are you pushing him away?" Niall asked.

"I'm scared of committing to him." I told him.

"You're afraid of commitment but you have tattoos?"

"Tattoos won't wake up one morning and tell me they don't love me anymore."

Niall had puppy eyes, "Louis..."

"Tattoos can't hurt me. Tattoos can't break my heart. They can't leave me. I know there always going to be there... I can't handle the idea that one day he won't love me anymore."

"Lou, you know that will never happen right?"

"I'll stick to my tattoos."

"Louis, don't shut him out. He loves you so much. He's your permanent tattoo on your heart, because no matter what you do or how far you go, he will always have that part of you." Niall said.

"He's 21, he has so much life to live. What if he realizes he made a stupid decision and is stuck. I can't be the one who weighs him down."

"Louis I want you to look me in the eyes." I did, "Harry will always love you. He has loved you since the second he saw you and he'll love you till his last breath. Fuck, I bet he loves you more than anyone. All he wants is for you to trust him. And love him."

"What if he leaves? What then? How can you promise he wont leave? How can you prove he won't get tired of me?"

"Because he loves you, that's the only proof I need."


Chapter Question

Why do you think Louis is so scared?

Btw my favorite line from the chapter was ~~~~

"You're afraid of commitment but you have tattoos?"

"Tattoos won't wake up one morning and tell me they don't love me anymore."

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