Ch. 31 Time to heal

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Words 1972

When Harry's rut came there was no question, Louis was off limits.

Louis stirs awake, he could smell it immediately and nearly skyrocketed off the bed and away from Harry. Harry groaned in his sleep, shuffling around. Louis froze, holding his breath until Harry stilled, dozing back off. Louis' eyes darted around the room. Lighting from the storm outside illuminated the room. Louis darted out the bedroom door and down the stairs. He stops in the corridor leading to the outside door. He contemplates what to do. He can't. He can't let Harry knot him. So he runs. Runs out the door and through the pouring rain, getting completely soaked, as he runs across the street.

Louis runs up to Niall and Liam's house and starts pounding on the door. He can feel the panic attack coming on, his breathing quickens, his hair is sticking to his forehead, Harry's shirt hanging off his shoulder stuck to his skin as more rain pours down.

The door opens and a tired looking Liam with his huge baby bump opens the door in his PJs.

"Louis?" Liam questions.

Louis tries to catch his breath, gesturing towards his and Harry's bedroom.

"I-I." Louis huffs trying to tell Liam what's happening.

Niall comes up behind Liam in nothing but boxers rubbing his eye. He's wide awake though when he sees Louis state.

"Louis, what happened?" He comes up next to Liam.

Louis slows his breathing. "Harry's-Harry's rut-"

Niall growls, instinctually thinking the worse and ready to take his bandmate apart.

"No!" Louis says stopping Niall from leaving by putting his wet hands on his bare chest. "No he didn't- I just- He's still asleep. I just, I just woke up and." Louis swallows hard. "I smelt him and I couldn't Niall. I just can't." Louis starts crying.

Niall pulls him into a huge hug. Holding onto him tightly.

"Shhh, it's okay Lou. He won't be mad." Niall assures him. Louis shakes his head, body trembling. "Come on, let's get you dried off." Niall leads him inside.


Harry groans as his back hit the bed hard. His cheats rising and falling. Harry's head tips back with a loud growl. Harry wanted his omega. He wanted him with a wave of burning anger and possessiveness that made him go primal with the urge. Harry knew though that Louis couldn't and he would never ask him to.

Louis was right there though. He could smell him downstairs. He could smell the others too. Probably to make sure that if Harry really needs him he was there, but to make sure he wasn't alone with Harry either.

Harry sweat covered chest gleamed in the sunlight as he panted against the bed. He turned his head to face the pillow. Harry's knot throbbed as it craved his omega. His tight, slick hole, his beautiful caramel skin. Harry groaned again another shot of cum spurting out of his cock.

Louis was curled up on the end of the couch, the boys surrounding him. Louis was bouncing his leg up and down. It hurt him to hear his alpha cry for him.

"I have to- I can't," Louis says starting to stand up.

Liam jumps to stop him. "Louis doesn't. He understands why you can't."

"I have to. I have to." Louis says tears filling his eyes. "I have to show him." Louis cries.

"Show him what Lou?" Zayn asked.

"Show him I'm good. He's gonna leave me. I lost his child and he needs me now. I'm a useless omega who he's gonna leave and find someone better, someone not broken."

Knot me (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now