31. Frosty + Forgive

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The following morning, I wake to feel a hand clutched in mine.

Opening my eyes, I see Presley's snoozing figure next to me, her hair a wild mess.

The memories of last night come flooding into the forefront of my brain. After what I would classify as the happiest moment of my life thus far... I had witnessed Haven making out with a woman who just so happens to not only be the aunt of my nemesis, but also who is married to my best friend's boyfriend. I'd successfully managed to not kick Haven in the balls or slap Tamara in the face and instead, had uttered a few choice words and immediately high-tailed inside to find Presley so I could tell her what I'd discovered.

I'd let Jayce know that as much as I wished I could spend the night next to him, that I had to leave. I had to take care of Presley. Sisters before misters and all that. I didn't tell him why... it didn't feel like the right time to be like, "Oh, by the way, you know the Police Chief of our town, the guy married to the chick who's face Haven was eating? Yeah, he's sleeping with my best friend, a seventeen year old."

I had driven Pres and I back to her house immediately. When I told her, she'd been crushed. Beyond crushed. I'd never seen her cry so hard and for so long. It was heartbreaking.

Wiggling out of bed so as to not wake her, I stumble into her bathroom, my legs clearly not as awake as I am. Looking at my reflection in the large mirror, with my tangled hair and smeared makeup, I can't help but smile. I'm dating Jayce Solis.

Never in a million years could I have guess that I'd ever be able to say that, let alone be happy about it. I never even thought I'd date until after college, if that.

But here I stand in my best friend's bathroom, my heart soaring higher and higher the more I think about my fucking hot brown-eyed, curly-haired boyfriend. It's so surreal.

I wash my face, brush my teeth and comb through my hair before silently treading down the stairs to find something yummy to wake Presley up with.

I love this house. Other than my own home, this is the place where I've spent most of my time. When Presley and I met on the first day of fifth grade, we'd instantly bonded over our mutual love of Zac Efron and sugary food. At lunch, she'd walked right up to me and told me she loved my High School Musical folder. I'd proceeded to share my bag of frosted animal crackers with her and everything blossomed from there.

Her parents weren't around a lot, but when they were, they were always welcoming and warm. They're both just genuinely very happy, very in love people. It must be where Pres gets her effervescence.

Strolling into the kitchen, I can tell her mom has already been up this morning. There's a fresh pot of coffee sitting on the counter, just waiting to warm my throat and chase away any lingering strands of sleep.

I pour two mugs and grab bowls, spoons, Frosted Flakes cereal and the milk from the fridge.

Running back up to her room, I gently nudge her awake, holding the steaming coffee mug under her nose.

"Hey, love," I say gently, moving her hair out of her face as she comes to.

Her eyes are bloodshot and puffy.

"Uuurgmph," Presley moans, stretching out before sitting up and grabbing her head. "Ow. Who knew crying for hours could make you feel like you have a hangover?"

"Probably everyone who's ever had their heart broken," I hand her a mug of coffee and climb back into bed with mine. "Frosted Flakes?"

"Yes, please," she mutters, staring down at her mug.

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