20. Scheming + Sabotage

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20 freaking THOUSAND reads 💙 thank you for everythingggg. Part 1/2 for this double update.

Principal Wright had been kind enough to at least act shocked and interested. He even went so far as to call Mrs. Bridges and Layla into his office and interrogate them - what he called - relentlessly.

By the time the final bell rang, Layla was as clean as a whistle and it had been determined that Haven and I simply had a bad test day, even though Mrs. Bridges stood up for me and said that something beyond my control must have be amiss. Still, she said she wasn't sure how anyone could have changed the tests, because the only time she'd ever been away from the test papers for an extended period was during lunch, and her classroom had been locked.

In the end, none of my efforts made a difference, and I made damn sure to stay as far away from cheer tryouts as possible. I had gone to soccer tryouts ready to smash some fucking skulls - well, mainly one particular skull. Overall, my aggressiveness had probably ended up helping me impress the coaches, so at least something positive came of the whole shit show.

I figured that Presley would be going to a party tonight, but I had texted her anyway, hoping to get a couple hours to process with her before she darted off to some rager.

By the time I got home and filled her in on the goings on of my irritating day, she looked like she was fantasizing about slowly sticking pins in Layla's eyes.

"Where's that bitch now?" She asked furiously, whipping her curly mane out of her eyes.

"Probably sucking the blood from a kitten or something," I grumble, curling into a ball on my cushy bed. Ever since I got home and was able to process what had happened this morning, my stomach felt like it had been stabbing itself. I wasn't naive enough to disregard the effect it'd have on me and Haven's future if the scores weren't able to be fixed. If I came from a rich family like Jayce or even Presley, I wouldn't need to worry about it so much. But considering that getting a scholarship was pretty much our only hope of attending college, I was pretty anxious. As far as I could see, there was nothing stopping Layla from doing this again and again. She knew right where the chink in my armor was. I felt pretty damn hopeless.

"She seemed oddly peppy at tryouts. Like, even more so than usual, which I didn't even know was possible," Presley huffs and drops onto the bed next to me, absentmindedly stroking my hair, which is still a bit damp from my shower.

"I don't think she ever stops smiling like she's a fucking maniacal schizo."

"We have to do something, Fallon," Presley suddenly sits straight upward. "We can't let this end like it did with Kate freshman year. I don't want you to get exiled to Arizona."

"What are you suggesting?"

"This is our chance! This is our moment to take down that jumped-up baby prostitute!"

"You sound a bit crazy, Pres. Straight obsessed."

"Fallon, come on. This girl has had unrelenting reins since freshman year. She needs to be stopped. Let's binge some Gossip Girl and get inspired."

"I just need to find a way to prove that the tests were fucked with after we took them. I'm not looking to start a dick-measuring contest with a girl who wipes her ass with $20 bills. I don't want to 'destroy' her or whatever. I just want her to leave me the fuck alone."

"Trust me, Fal. Layla is a tyrant. Can you please tell me what a tyrant does to anyone who tries to prove they're evil, little miss AP?"

I roll my eyes and rotate onto my left side, facing away from her and resuming my curled fetal position. I don't know what to do, but I do know that sabotaging someone before they can sabotage me isn't exactly what I want to be doing with my time.

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