16. Stupidity + Snacks

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Part 2/2 for this update. Be sure you've read chapter 15 before starting!

It was around 2:30pm when Jayce had asked us to drop him off at the park in the center of town, claiming that he wanted to walk home so he could have time to process, which I thought was strange, but whatever.

Barely any words had been exchanged between the three of us as we had descended in the elevator and climbed into Presley's Fiat.

"So, he does knows who we are," Jayce had said flatly after several minutes of silence, save for the quiet hum of the car.

"No shit," Haven had murmured back, sinking lower in his seat and crossing his arms as he had gazed out the passenger window.

Other than that, the ride to drop Jayce off at the park and drive Haven home had been quiet. I think we were all too freaked out to say anything.

I was now headed to Presley's to drop off her car.

I wish I could say that my mind was spinning, but I was honestly numb as fuck right now. Being hungover, horny, pissed, sad and hungry all at the same time, the feelings seem to just cancel each other out. I felt like a useless lump of too many emotions that couldn't be understood, and all I wanted to do was climb in bed and never get out again. Never have to face reality.

I couldn't really process the meeting, or the fact that Tom Jeffers somehow knew who all three of us were. I use the spare key under one of the flower pots on the front door, knowing Presley's parents are at their usual Sunday afternoon locations - her dad would be at work while her mom had a weekly brainstorm with her blogger friends.

I dash up the stairs to collect the belongings I'd left here after getting ready for the ball yesterday afternoon.

Bursting through Presley's door and-"FUCK!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I cover my eyes with my hands, shock and embarrassment causing my heart rate to skyrocket as I try to erase the mental image of what I just saw.

"Oh, god! What are you doing here, Fal?!" Presley's voice is brimming with humiliation.

"I just came to get my clothes, but it looks like you two could use some, as well!" I shout, backing out of the room that a nude Presley and Cole are occupying.

"Wait, just give us a moment. Don't leave," Presley says carefully. I huff and hear the rustling of fabric as the two of them move off the bed to cover themselves. "Okay, we're decent," she says after a few short moments and I remove my hands from my eyes, glaring at Cole, who seems intensely engrossed in tying his shoe.

"I'm sorry that I-uh-interrupted."

"You're totally fine," Presley smiles and waves her hand like I walk in on her straddling her current boy-toy every other day. "Nothing you haven't seen before."

"Uh, Pres, there's a lot of him that I haven't seen before," I point an accusing finger in Cole's direction. He's now re-tying his shoe for the second time. "Well, not any more, there isn't," I shift my glare back to her, wanting to get out of there, but knowing she wants to talk about something. Otherwise, she wouldn't have asked me to stay.

She giggles and waltzes over to Goldcrest's Chief of Police, throwing her arms around his neck and planting a kiss on his cheek. "Didn't you see the cruiser?"

I didn't see the cruiser, but my stomach swoops as I zero in on Cole. "Are you fucking serious?!" I screech at him, surprising myself with how authoritative I sound. "You parked your damn police cruiser outside this house? Are you trying to get yourself thrown in prison?"

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