Chapter 9: Scaredy Cat?...

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Gumball POV

We stopped at the Mansion. I went out first and assisted Masami out.

"Good day, Madam. What would you like for dinner later on?" A Maid asked Masami. "The Regular. Please." She said and the Maid left. "I'm going to my room." I said and she nodded. I walked up the stairs and went inside my room.

*Ring Ring*

I brought out my phone and looked at the Caller.

;Gumball? You aren't home yet. Where are you?
:I live at ms. Yoshida's place Mom.
;Why!?! When!?!
:I got a job. I'll be staying here for it.
;Okay then Come home once in a while okay?
:okay mom
;Fine then. Love you bye now and Goodnight, Dear.
:Love you too, Mom. Bye.

After hours...(6pm)

A maid called me and told me its time for dinner.

I went down with black leggings and a Beige Sweater. I looked at the Table and saw Masami. "Wow. Sure made alot." I said aloud. "Hmm! But the Crab and Corn soup is tasty! Taste it!" She said and put a spoon infront of me. She gestured me to open my mouth and I did. "its quite Savory." I said with a smile. "Right!" She exclaimed and made me try the dishes in the table.

After a while we finished it all and I stood up and so did she. We were about to leave when...

*Lights Out!*

"Eeeeeccckkk!" Masami exclaimed. She immediately grabbed my arm and went near me. "Hey. Excuse me! Why is the lights out?" I asked. "Sorry Sir. It will come back later. Its because of the weather." A Guard said calmly. Masami was scared and she finally hugged me.

After afew Minutes. The lights were back and Masami hugged me still. "Hey. They're ba-" He immediately halted his words when he felt wetness in his chest. "Masami. Hey. Stop crying its done. Don't worry." I comforted her and she looked around. "Sorry." She murmured. "Want me to take you to your room first?" I asked. She nodded.

She held my Wrist and I walked up, slowly. We reached her Room's Door. She opened and walked. "T-Thank you." She said with a red-face. "Alright. Bye then." I said while waving and I walked to my Room which is farter than hers

Masami POV

After an afew hours...(10:34pm)

I can't fall asleep with all those scary Thunder. I heard another rumble and I started to cry again. Suddenly, I heard a knock. He opened the door. "You still awake?" He asked. I nodded. He walked over and wiped my tears. "You're such a scaredy cat... Stop crying already." He said while squating to be my height. "It's not as easy as it looks." I said back.

"Find a way then." He said and stood up. I grabbed the sweaters sleeve. "Can't y-you s-stay? Just for t-tonight, please." I pleaded. He looked at me. "You really wanna make me stay?" He asked. I nodded with a pouting face. He sighed indefeat. He nodded.

He went next to me and occupied the space next to me.
"Sleep already. Its Friday tomorrow, which means Performing Arts." He said between yawns. "Okay." I responded and layed looking at him. I analyzed his features. 'His Cat Ears, Blue hair, His Closed Eyes, his Nose, His Lips... thst look so kissable.' I thought. Suddenly he came near my face.

"Not sleeping yet?" He said as he lazily opened his eyes. I was flustered. "I was about to. Goodn--" I was cut off by him hugging me. He placed his head on mine. "Goodnight to you too." He said and slept again. Masami fell asleep and is very embarrased by their position.

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