Kol Mikaelson

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At the Mikaelson Compound. 

I walked into the compound looking for the youngest brother. 

I froze when i heard behind me "Looking for me, darling"

When i turned around i realized it was Kol.

Me "Kol"

He asked worried "what's wrong?"

Me "am i a bad person?"

Kol "for sleeping with both of my oldest brothers ? depends "

Me "on what?"

Kol "if you keep sleeping with both while loving only of them"

Me "And if i'm not in love with one of them?"

Kol "what are you talking about?"

He was hiding his smirk. 

Me "i know you overheard my conversation with Freya and Rebekah"

Kol shook his head "i would never eavesdrop a conversation about girls that are talking about me"

I raised an eyebrow "oh really? So you didn't hear i what i told them?"

Kol "that you are in love with me? no, i didn't hear that"

I shot him a look "Kol"

Kol "what?"

Me "this is already embarrassing enough. I don't you to get on my nerves with that"

Kol "Well, it would be embarrassing if i don't love you back "

My jaw dropped "what?"

Kol "you heard me"

I shook my head "i didn't hear you"

Kol chuckled, walked to me and kissed me.

I smiled, kissing back.

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