Damon Salvatore

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I walked inside the house and sighed when i nearly tripped over a dead body.

Me "you've got to be kidding me"

Suddenly Stefan walked inside behind me and sighed when he saw the dead body. 

He looked at me "you two were fighting again?"

I nodded "so obvious?"

He pointed at the dead body "not really"

I looked around and saw another dead body lying on the pooltable. 

Stefan "whose fault was it?"

I pointed at the body "Jack the ripper thought he can just tell me what to do and what not"

Stefan raised an eyebrow "He started the fight and is now doing acting like the victim?"

I nodded "yeah"

Suddenly we heard a scream coming from the library. 

Me "i should probably talk to him, shouldn't i?"

Stefan nodded "you probably should. I mean, what's more important to you. Doing the first step or keep leting people?"

I pursed my lips.

Stefan eyed me "hard decision ?"

I nodded "very"

He chuckled. 

I sighed "i'm going"

Then i walked into the library and saw Damon dropping a dead woman to the ground.

Me "You seriously need to stop this"

He licked his lips and looked up to me "Why? i mean, you were the one snapping not me"

Me "not my fault when my boyfriend does not know me at all"

Damon chuckled "i know you better than anyone, inside and out?"

I leaned against the sofa "then why did you -"

Damon "i was trying to protect you, can't blame me for that"

Me "b ordering me around? you knew that i hated nothing more than that, okay? you knew what i went through with Klaus after he turned me into a hybrid, Damon, still you did it"

Damon walked to me and put his hands on my cheeks "i'm sorry, baby"

My jaw dropped "say that again"

Damon smirked "I'm sorry"

Suddenly we heard Alaric's voice but a few ocatves higher "Say that again"

I laughed while Damon glared at him.

Damon " Ric."

Alaric "clean that mess, my kids are coming over in a few"

Damon "as if they've never seen a dead body before"

Alaric "the only dead body they're gonna see is yours if you don't bury the bodies"

I nodded "and we will, Ric, calm down"

Ric nodded and left. 

I looked at Damon "good luck with that"

then i walked away. 

Damon called after me "and what about my kiss?"

I turned around "what did you do to deserve a kiss? hm? hm?"

He pouted and picked up the dead woman from the ground "you're evil"

Me "Says the guy with a dead woman in his arms"

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