8: Poisoned Letter

Start from the beginning

"Hi, Mia! Glad to see the sleeping beauty is finally awake." he teased. I smiled at him and went to sit opposite him.

"Hi, Hans." I greeted him. I looked at Cassius and saw him still working, not even sparing a glance at me. He feels strange. "So you called for me?" I asked him.

"Yes. We're going to the woods right after Zeyd arrives." He said, not even looking at me. I raised a brow at him. I looked at Hans but he only shrugged.

We waited for Zeyd to arrive in silence. The whole time I was staring at him. Trying to figure out why he's suddenly acting so cold. On the other hand, Hans was playing something on his phone as he gave up on his work.

We were like that for half an hour until the door opened, revealing a flustered Zeyd with messy hair. I shot him a knowing look which he returned with a triumphant smile.

"Sorry I'm late, I was caught up in something." Zeyd said while he run his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah, yeah. We heard you from all the way up here. Mind toning it a bit?" Hans said and Zeyd rolled his eyes. Cassius suddenly stood up and went outside of his office. My mouth hung open as I look between Zeyd and Hans for some answers.

"He wants us to follow him to the woods." Zeyd said with an apologetic smile. I stood up from my seat and catch up to Cassius.

The three of us walked a fair distance behind Cassius. I watched his tense broad back as he walk with long and powerful strides. It was that moment when I thought that he was out of our league. Such power was emanating from him. I understand just by looking at his back how powerful he was and how much of a burden he carries. It made me want to console him.

"What's wrong with him? Why is he acting like this?" I asked the two of them. Hans looked away while Zeyd scratched the back of his head.

"I think it's best if you should ask him. This is something a little bit personal for him." Zeyd said and went to Cassius' side.

"Trust me mon amie, whatever his majesty is going to say to you, you need to believe in him and don't freak out." Hans said and smiled. I looked at Cassius's back without averting my gaze. I didn't even realize that we were already outside of the palace-like mansion and inside the forest. (my friend)

We walked and walked until I saw a flash of light from afar. I ran towards it, ignoring the calls from the guys, and I saw my knife stuck in a tree. Along with some paper. I took the knife and read the paper.

"We'll be back and we will kill every last one of you, so be prepared, Third." I said what was written on the paper. Cassius was already beside me and so were the others. He took the paper and read it again. He growled angrily and crumpled the paper before throwing it away.

"Third?" I whispered to Zeyd.

"People who hate the ten kings call them by their rankings. It's like a reminder that there is still someone above them. His majesty is the third but he is still considered as the strongest among them." He explained.

So it's like that?

No wonder the vampire king almost destroyed his castle when someone spoke about his ranking. It's like a matter of pride to them. But Cassius doesn't seem too bothered by it.

"If Cassius is considered the strongest then what about the first and second?" I asked.

"Those two are beyond reason. If his majesty surpasses his limit, those two have no limit." Hans butted in on our conversation.

"Zeyd, call all the leaders of each group and prepare for a meeting at my office." Cassius suddenly ordered with his alpha tone that sent shivers down my spine.

"Yes, your majesty." Zeyd said before storming off to the pack mansion.

"Hansel, I want you to have guards guarding the area of each house and warn them to stay inside." He ordered. Hans nods his head before sprinting out of the forest.

I, on the other hand, was observing the dried-up blood on my knife and the markings on the bark of the tree behind where the paper was. I traced the outline before a hand grabs my wrist away from the tree.

"Don't touch it. There might be poison in there." Cassius said and finally looked at me.

"I know this mark. I've read about it." I told him. This mark is something ancient, probably a witch's. He looked at me, gaze so intense as if boring deep into my soul, and when his eyes went to my fingers, fear was evident in them. My eyes followed where he was looking and I saw my fingers, a grayish-blue color spreading through them.

"I must have cut my fingers while trying to pull the knife out." I said to him while he stood there frozen. "Cassius..." I mumbled, snapping him out of his frozen state.

"Fuck!" That was all he said before he swiftly lift me up and carried me. He ran as fast as he can. I couldn't do anything as my body felt weak and the poison is spreading at a fast rate.

This is going to be troublesome.

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