Chapter 72: Baron Corbin V.S. Dean Ambrose

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  Tanya's P.O.V.

  "So, why did Stephanie call us in?" I asked Dean as we walked down the hall, hand-in-hand. "No clue, Babydoll." he replied. "I just don't want Baron to bring up our daughter. She doesn't deserve this." I explained. "She's at home with people who care about her and will do anything to keep her safe.

  We got to Stephanie's office and I knocked on the door. We walked in and saw Baron there sitting down. He turned and glared at us before Stephanie told us to sit down. We took our seat and looked at all three of us. "First of all, I brought all three of you in here because there's been an issue. First, let's start with you, Baron." she told him.

  He smiled at her, which she didn't return.

  "Hunter and I don't approve of your behavior towards Dean and Tanya as of late. You basically lay your hands on a woman when you kicked her in the head in the match. You've been personally attacking them because of your own ego. To make matter worse, you're bringing their daughter into this drama. That's something we will not accept. WWE isn't the company where we threaten or hurt women or children." she told him.

  "Damn straight, Stephanie." Renee said.

  Stephanie looked at me and Dean with a look of sympathy.

  "As for you two, I understand that this has been so much to handle." she explained. We both nodded as Baron rolled his eyes.

"So, here's what's going to happen. Dean, tonight, you will face Baron. As an added bonus, Tanya here will be the special guest referee. What do you say?" she asked.

  "Hell yeah." Dean said. "I'm down for it." I agreed with a smile on my face.

  "Wait, Stephanie, you can't do this." Baron said, panicking.

"Now the weasel is afraid! Haha!" Renee said.

  Stephanie glared at him with no amount of sympathy or kindness. "Yes, I can. You and everybody here knows that this girl has been like family to me and Hunter. I won't tolerate your personal attacks to her, her husband, or their daughter. You will be in the match. No exceptions. Now, get the hell out of my office and get ready for your match."

  Baron stormed out of the office before we stood up as did Stephanie.

"Thank you so much, Steph." I told her as Dean nodded. "Yeah. I'm getting tired of him doing this." he added. "You're welcome. I had to take action because that kind of behavior towards women or children is unacceptable here in this company. Now, go get ready and kick his ass." she told us, looking at Dean at the last part.

"Oh, I will." my husband said. We shook her hand before we left the office.

  *An Hour Later*

  "Damn, Mommy. You look like a million bucks." Dean told me as he eyed my referee outfit. I smirked and flipped my hair.

 I smirked and flipped my hair

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  "Why, thank you. I only look this way for you." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I giggled before we kissed passionately. It went on for a few moments until we heard a cough. We pulled away and saw Roman and Seth there, shaking their heads with smirks.

  "I get that you're married and all, but try not to have an Edge and Lita 2.0 moment." Seth said. Roman let out a chuckle. "Remember, we're on a PG show."

  Dean and I laughed at our brothers-in-arms as we held hands. "Oh, hush. We haven't even gotten to the real stuff yet." my husband said with a wink. "TMI!" Romana and Seth said at the same time. We all laughed before we got out of the locker room and walked until I got behind the curtain. The guys went to their usual entrance spot.

  I heard my theme play and the crowd cheered as I walked out.

  "The following contest is scheduled for one-fall! Please welcome the special guest referee, the Raw Women's Champion, Tanya Ambrose!" JoJo announced.

  I smiled as I walked down the ramp and slapped a couple of the fan's hands. I slid in the ring and did my pose before I waited beside the ropes.

  Dean's theme hit and I smiled as the crowd cheered. He walked out with his title and still looked sexy as always. "First, making his way to the ring from Cincinnati, Ohio, weighing 225 pounds, he is the Intercontinental Champion, Dean Ambrose!" JoJo announced.

  My husband walked down the ramp and he slid in the ring. He did his thing before he walked over to me. He cupped both sides of my face and smashed his lips to mine. I smiled and kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. The crowd was going insane.

  We pulled away and he wrapped and arm around me, kissing my head. I held.onto his hand as we waited for the piece of shit to arrive.

  Baron's theme played and the crowd erupted into massive booing as he walked out. "And his opponent, from Kansas City, weighing 285 pounds, Baron Corbin!" JoJo announced. He did his entrance and glared at us. Dean leaned into my ear.

"Don't worry about him, Babydoll. Remember, you're in charge of this match." he whispered. I nodded as Baron got in the ring. He and Dean eyed each other before my man put his title on the side.

  They circled each other and I signalled for the bell to ring.

  *10 Minutes Later*

  I eyed the two men as they continued going at it. It was then Baron grabbed my husband and hit him with the End Of Days. He went for a pin. "One! Two!" I stopped counting and stood up with a smirk. Baron let go of Dean and began glaring at me.

  He began yelling at me.

  "What the hell is your problem?! Do your job, because you suck at it!" he yelled.

  I slapped him before I kicked him in his manhood and planted him with the Stunner. I smirked as I helped Dean up. He looked at the fallen Baron and laughed before he kissed my head. Dean grabbed Baron and planted the Dirty Deeds. He then pinned him.

  I got down to count.

  "One! Two! Three!"

  I signalled for the bell to ring as his theme played. "Here is your winner, the Intercontinental Champion, Dean Ambrose!" JoJo announced.

  I helped my husband up and kissed his cheek before raising his arm up. We got out of the ring and I ran into his arms as he lifted me up, spinning me around. The crowd cheered as we laughed at a glaring Baron Corbin.

  "Let's go home to our daughter." he said as he got backstage. I smiled and nodded my head. "Yeah. I want to hold her already." I replied.

  We changed and showered before getting our stuff ready. We booked our flight back to Pensacola with Joe and just went to be reunited with our baby girl.

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