Chapter 19: Three-On-One Handicap Match

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Tanya's P

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Tanya's P.O.V

 Tonight, me and my new friends would take on Summer in the Three-On-One Handicap match. I couldn't wait till her fake, blonde ass gets fired. They can't wait to get their hands on her. Before I got ready for the match, I went to Stephanie and Hunter asking if I could have a face turn. I explained how I honestly felt about being heel and how the fan missed it. The accepted my request and my face turn is scheduled for next week.

   We were watching the monitor backstage. Summer stood in the ring, trying to put a brave face, but you could tell easily that she was scared. I smirked as my friends laughed. "Nobody can save that little bitch now." Fallen Angel chuckled. "She deserves it." Amberlee added. I was already in my Wonder Woman gear. My title was around my waist perfectly.

Fallen Angel was wearing a biker-type outfit with a black cloak. She had on white contacts to make her look like an entity. Her blue and black hair was straightened. Amberlee was wearing a white tank top, black shorts, and white combat boots. Her hair was curled and she had on fingerless gloves.

    "Ready, girls?" I asked. They nodded as Fallen Angel pulled her hood up. "Let's kick some ass." I smirked.

   All the things she said
All things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head

I walked out and was greeted by screaming fans. I did my signature pose and took my glasses off before tossing them. "And her opponents! First, from Boston, Massachusetts, she is the Raw Women's Champion, Tanya Banks!" JoJo announced. I walked down the ramp and smirked as Summer glared at me. I took my title off and rose it up above my head, making the crowd cheer louder. My theme stopped playing as I did.

"Tanya Banks looks extremely proud to be the Raw Women's Champion. This girl is really determined." JBL explained.

Bell Gong

The lights went out as "Dark Side" played, replaced by purple and blue lightning and the ramp began to fill with fog. Fallen Angel walked out as she did her father's throat slash sign. She rose her arm, paying tribute to her father and uncle as lightning effects flashed. The crowd got louder. "Next, from the Death Valley, Fallen Angel!" JoJo announced. My friend slowly walked down the ramp before she stopped by me. Her theme stopped and the lights came back on.

It's time to rock and roll

Amberlee walked out and did her mother's signature pose with a smile on her face. "And from Los Angeles, California, Amberlee Stratus!" JoJo announced. She walked down the ramp and joined me and Fallen Angel. We all nodded before we got on the apron and slid inside the ring. We all glared at Summer before we got ready.

I took off my accessories and jacket while Fallen Angel took off her cloak. She said she would start things off. Amberlee and I hugged her before we went outside the ring, standing on the apron. The bell rang and just as they were going to go, Stephanie's music hit and she walked out with a microphone.

"It's the commissioner of Monday Night Raw, Stephanie McMahon. What's she doing out here?" Michael asked.

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold up." she started. "There has been a change of plans for this match. Summer, you have to fight all three of these women with one arm tied behind your back." she explained. The crowd cheered as my friends and I smirked. Summer stomped her foot and shook her head as Stephanie left.

"No way! Summer has to battle with an arm behind her!" Jerry exclaimed. "She deserves it, King. After everything she has put our beloved champion though." JBL added.

The referee got a string and tied Summer's right arm behind her back. Summer protested, but the referee told her there was nothing he could do. She knew she sucked at this kind of match. She won't last a while with one arm behind her. She and Fallen Angel circled each other before they locked up. My friend landed punches and kicks at Summer before she sent her to the ropes and did a judo toss. Fallen Angel used to be in UFC and TNA and has an MMA background.

"Remember, Ladies and Gentlemen, if Summer Rae loses this match, she will be fired from the WWE. If she wins. one of those three ladies will be going to Smackdown." Michael infomed.

She grabbed her by the throat and hit her with a Chokeslam. She grabbed her again and hit her with a roundhouse kick. After that, she tagged in Amberlee. The young Stratus went for a pin. "One! Two!" Summer kicked out. Amberlee grabbed her before she sent her to the ropes. She performed a brutal kick, sending the little bitch down.

She then got Summer and ran to the ropes and performing the Stratusfaction. She raised her arm before hitting her with a running knee strike. "Let's go, Amber!" I encouraged her. She grabbed Summer's hair and smirked before nailing her with the Twist of Fate. Amberlee got up and went to us as I extended my hand out.

She looked at the crowd as they were changing "We Want Tanya!" followed by claps. She looked at me. "You want some?" she asked with a smirk. "Hell yeah!" I replied. She slapped my hand and I got in the ring. The crowd went insane as I crept into the ring. Summer looked and was frozen in fear as I crouched down like a predator with a big smirk plastered on my face.

Summer went to run away, but I grabbed her fake ass hair and brought her to the center of the ring. I punched her numerous times before I ran to the ropes. She went to Clothesline me, but I dodged. I hit her with a roundhouse kick. She got stunned and clung to the ropes for support. "Want me to finish this?!" I shouted at the crowd, how went insane.

I grabbed her and hit her with the One-Leg Monkey Flip. I got up and sent her to the ropes before nailing her with a brutal Spear. I grabbed her legs and intertwined them with my right leg. I turned her around and locked her into the Bank Lock. Summer kept screaming in pain. shaking her head. I applied more pressure and she tapped out. I left the hold a little longer before letting go.

"Here are your winners, the Raw Women's Champion, Tanya Bank, Fallen Angel, and Amberlee Stratus!" JoJo announced.

My friends got in the ring and we all joined in a group hug. We all raised our arms with smirks on our faces. Soon, all of went to one turnbuckle. Fallen Angel raised her arm, Amberlee did rock and roll signs, and I rose both my arms up. The crowd was cheering and Summer walked off, crying. That only made me laugh at her.

Finally, that fake ass, blonde bitch is gone for good.

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