Chapter 45: The New Mom Life

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Vivian's P.O.V.

"We're okay, Ashley. She's already changed, fed, and everything. Emily's good. Luna's with us." I told her as I carried my daughter. "Okay, V. I was just checking on you for the guys and Mercedes. He and the guys are barely going out and Jon's just worried." she explained. "Tell him we're okay, Ash. And that we love him are are gonna watch him on TV." I said. "Will do, Sis. Well, I'll let you go now." she told me. "Bye." I said. "Bye." she finished.

I hung up and set the phone down before I got a popsicle and went to sit down with Emily. Luna followed and sat down with us.

I was at home with my daughter as I held her, watching Raw. It has been two weeks since I gave birth to Emily. Mine and Jon's lives have changed more and have been filled with blossom. I never thought I would be a mother to beautiful little girl. I'm so happy I finally get the chance to have a life I've always wanted.

Luna had her head on my lap. She had grown extremely protective of Emily. Whenever someone we don't know compliments my daughter and goes near her, Luna will growl at them. She has been guarding us when Jon was on the road.

Right now, I was waiting for the main event, which was The Shield vs. Jericho, Owens, and Big Cass.

It was then I heard a knock on the door. I got up and placed Emily in her cradle. I walked over to the door and opened it, revealing Galina and JoJo. "Hi, Aunt Vivian." the little girl greeted me. I smiled at her before pulling her into a hug. "Hey, Babygirl. Hey, Lina." I said as I pulled away from JoJo and hugged her mother.

"We came to see you and little Emily." Galina said as I let them in. "She's in her cradle. She's awake." I explained. They walked over and Galina gasped at my daughter. "Hi there, Cutie! Her eyes always melt me up!" she exclaimed as she saw Emily's blue eyes she inherited from Jon.

"Joelle, you wanna hold your cousin?" I asked her. Her eyes lit up and she smiled before nodding her head. I placed Emily in her arms and taught her how to old her. Soon, JoJo was holding the baby well. "Great job, Sweetie." Galina said. After five minutes of carrying Emily, she gave her back.

"Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. S.H.I.E.L.D."

The guys all walked out and appeared at the top of the stairs. "And their opponents, the team of Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose, The Shield!" JoJo (announcer) introduced.

They all walked down the stairs and got over the barricade. They circled the apron and the camera landed on Jon with a smirk on his face. I could see his new tattoo on the side of his arm, which were the initials that Emily was born. Below that, was the date we met back at NXT. I had the same thing, but on my wrist where my last cuts were, which were now scars.


All three of them got inside the ring and they took of their masks. The bell rang and Joe told the guys he would go first. Jon and Colby nodded before going behind the ropes. He started things off with Big Cass. They circle each other before locking up. I smiled as I saw my best friend dominating him.

"Those are your uncles and daddy, Babygirl." I cooed to Emily as she slept in my arms. "They love to spoil her, though. Especially Colby and Ashley." Galina said. "Oh, yeah. Those two are really great godparents. Emily has them wrapped around her finger." I explained.

After about 15 minutes of exchanging blows, finishers, and submissions, only Jon was left outside the ropes. Joe was crawling towards him as Cass tried to regroup. The powerful Samoan hit him with two Spears and a Superman Punch.

Jon extended his hand out and Joe immediately tagged him in. My husband got in and began unloading on Cass. "There you go, Uncle Jon!" JoJo whisper-yelled. "Come on, Babe. Let's go, guys." I said, looking at the screen. Jon got on the top rope and hit Cass with his elbow drop.

I looked at my sleeping daughter and smiled. "Is Daddy awesome?" I whispered. She gripped my finger in her sleep. I chuckle and gently kissed her forehead. I looked and saw that Joe hit a Spear on Cass, transitioning into Colby hitting the Curbstomp, which then transitioned into Jon hitting the Dirty Deeds. He rolled him for the pin.

"One! Two! Three!"

The bell rang as The Shield's theme played. "Here are your winners, The Shield!" JoJo (announcer) said. All three of them hugged and raised their arms. They got out of the ring and went backstage. Because it was already 10:15, Galina and Joelle had left so the little girl could go to sleep for school.

I placed Emily in her cradle before I went to the bathroom to take a shower. It took me about 15 minutes before I got out and brushed my teeth. After that, I blow-dried my hair and went back to the room. I saw Luna on her dog pillow beside the bed. I went and grabbed Emily and lay her on the bed with me.

She began crying, so I decided to breastfeed her. I sat up and she latched onto me and began drinking milk. It was then I heard my Facetime go off. I looked and saw that it was Jon calling. I smiled, answering it and his face popped up on the small screen.

"Hey, Jon." I greeted him. "Hey, Babe. How are my three girls doing?" he asked. "We're good. A little late-night feeding." I replied. "I wish all of you were here with me." he told me. It was then I felt tears brimming in my eyes. I let out a sniffle, holding my daughter closer to me. "What's wrong, V? You okay?" he asked.

"I just miss you so much." I said as my voice broke and a tear fell from my eye. "Aww, Baby. Don't cry. It's okay." he reassured me. "It's just that, not having you here with me and Emily makes me sad, because I feel as if since you're always on the road and that I'll have to do everything by myself." I cried.

"It's okay, Vivian. The guys are staying at the hotel and I'm already going to the airport. I'll be home in about four hours. Just get some rest and don't pressure yourself. Tomorrow, I'm going to spend the entire day with you two. I'll always be there." he told me. I let out a sniffle as I yawned. I wiped my tears.

"I love you so damn much, Jon." I said. "I love you more, Darling. As soon as I get home, I'm not going to leave anywhere without you. Once Emily is a little older, probably a few months, both of you can travel with me." he said. I smiled as I felt ease in my chest. "Sounds perfect." I told him. "I gotta get on the plane. I'll see you soon. Goodnight, Babygirl." he said. "Goodnight." I said before the Facetime call ended.

I put my phone away and saw that Emily was sleeping. I slowly got out of bed and placed her in her cradle. I got back into bed and pulled the blanket over me. I fell asleep with a smile on my face, knowing my hubby was gonna be home in a few hours.

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