Chapter 8: I Thought He Was Different

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*The Following Week*

Tanya's P.O.V.

I was in catering with Sasha, Alicia, and Charlotte, looking at the monitor inside. It had Dean and Summer walking down the ramp, hand-in-hand. He was going against Seth. The way it was scheduled was that if Seth wins, I run to the ring and make out with him in front of Dean. I knew Seth would beat his ass. He couldn't stand a chance against my team and he couldn't stand a chance with me.

Seth and I have become famous ever since the storyline relationship started. Everybody loves us, but they still can't forget about me and Dean together. There's still some fans who want Dean and I back together. Well, they can hope all they want. It ain't going to happen. Dean's with Summer now, so they can just forget that we were ever together.

"So, is your boyfriend going to win the match?" Alicia asked me. "He and I aren't dating. That's only for the storyline. He and I are just friends. I'm not really looking forward to dating after what Dean did. He doesn't know anything about my past." I explained. Foxy furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?" she asked. "Only they know, but I can trust you." I explained.

Foxy shook her head. "I promise I won't tell. I knew she was telling the truth. I mean, Charlotte has been my best friend since our days at NXT. We were like the Trish and Lita of NXT. Sometimes we were best friends who were more like sisters, other times, we were rivals. As for Foxy, she was the first one to talk to me when my sister and I first debuted on the main roster. We became really great friends.

"Okay. Well, back before WWE, my last relationships were hell. They either cheated on me, abused me, or used me for a popular image. I thought nothing would work out in a relationship. I thought I would never find someone who would treat me right. When I met Dean, I felt something different. I felt safe. I felt protected. I felt like I had nothing to fear. He treated me the way I deserved to be treated. He was basically like a fallen angel in disguise sent down to me. When he cheated on me with Summer, I gave up on a relationship. I'm scared it'll happen again." I explained.

At this point, I began crying. The girls got up and escorted me outside of catering. They sat me down next to a monitor, so I could know when to go out. Charlotte wrapped an arm around me as Sasha placed one on my leg. "Hey, one day, you'll find someone you can trust. Trust me. Just focus on what's important right now." Charlotte said.

After three minutes, I stopped crying and was calm. I looked and saw Seth pin Dean, picking up the victory. "That's my cue, girls. Thanks for being there for me." I told them. They smiled and hugged me before I ran to the curtain. I went out and ran down the ramp with a smile on my face, greeted by screaming fans as Seth looked at me and smiled. I got onto the apron and went in between the ropes.

I ran to Seth and he caught me in his arms and twirled me around before he set me down and kissed me instantly. I wrapped my arms around him as the crowd went wild. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we continued until we were practically making out, but not like how Summer and Dean do it. Basically, we did it the way AJ and John did.

We pulled away and he saw my bloodshot eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded as he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me, which I responded with. Everybody cheered as they saw a face and a heel together. All the fans have even given us a ship name; Sanya. I know it sounds weird, but that's what they came up with. It was then Seth and I pulled away and we were leaned in for another kiss.

I felt him get thrown off of me and I saw Dean punching him. I got him and threw him off of Seth before nailing him with the Bankrupt. Summer came at me, but I ducked and kicked her before grabbing het legs and locking her into the Bank Lock. She screamed before she tapped and I released her.

Seth and Dean began punching each other before they were practically starting to wrestle, as Dean hit Dirty Deeds on Seth. However, Seth didn't stay down for long, as hell ran and hit Dean with the Curbstomp. I smirked as Seth waited until Dean got up and he hit him with a ninja-style kick, making Dean fall to the mat.

I grabbed Seth's hand before his theme played and we exited the ring and walked up the ramp. Dean got a microphone and held it to his mouth as he panted. "Get back here, you two!" he yelled. "You think we're stupid? We ain't going over there! Go check on your little bitch if you will!" I yelled at him. "Just let me explain everything!" he yelled back. "Forget it! I've moved on and you can't do anything!" I yelled as I threw the mic to the ground.

Seth and I walked up the ramp, ignoring Dean yelling my name as we went backstage. Then, he pulled me to an isolated area as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?" he asked. "Yeah. Why?" I asked him. "Tanya, don't lie. Your eyes tell me otherwise." he said. I sighed before I broke down in front of him as memories came flashing back.

Seth wrapped his arms around me. "Shhhh. It's okay." he soothed. "Calm down. It's okay." he told me. When he pulled away, he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Tell me what's wrong." he told me. I sighed before I explained everything to him. About the past relationships, etc. After I did, he comforted me for about an hour.

"I just thought he was different." I said as I wiped my tears stains on my cheeks. "Don't worry. You'll find someone better. Just focus on your career first. Focus on what you love." he explained. I smiled and nodded as he ruffled my hair and wrapped an arm around me before we walked. We were now out of character and off-screen, in case you were wondering.

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