Chapter 64: Reunion

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Third Person P.O.V.

Jon had Luna on her leash, trying to continue locating his wife. The well-trained dog sniffed every area and she didn't pick up anything. Jon wouldn't give up, though. He was going to find Vivian one way or another, even if it means he'd end up in jail or didn't make it out. He didn't care. All he wanted was his wife to come back to him and their daughter.

"Come on, Luna. Try harder." he practically begged as the husky continued sniffing.

He decided to bring something he had never used before. He had it strapped around his leg just in case. It was a gun loaded with only one round. He knew that he might get in trouble for it and cost his job, but he didn't care.

He stopped for a second before he pulled out the only thing that could possibly help. Something the others didn't do. Jon got a tank top that Vivian last wore and bent down. "Come on, Luna. Please do this." he said. Luna sniffed the tank top and turned away.

Suddenly, Luna began barking as she basically dragged Jon with her as he ran. "Have you found something, girl?" he asked. Luna baked again as they continued running. Jon suddenly felt a sense of hope inside him because he knew that he might have been moments away from being with the love of this life.

He managed to pull out his phone and speed dial Joe.

"Hello?" Joe asked. "Joe, I'm already getting close to Vivian. I'm getting led straight to the former Labor Warehouse in East Seattle." he explained. "We're five minutes away! We're coming!" Joe said before Jon hung up. (A/N: I've never been to Seattle, so just go with it.)


  Vivian screamed as she struggled in the chair, her hands tied behind her back and her mouth wrapped with a cloth. Summer and Samoa Joe had gone out for a bit to 'run errands'. She took this as an opportunity to get free herself. None of them knew, but she had hidden a pocket knife in her back pocket. Jon had given it to her after she was mugged of some money back when they were at a Raw live event.

  She stopped for a minute before she decided to control her emotions. She took deep breaths between her nose before she took her time trying to reach into her pocket. After what seemed like forever, but was actually five minutes, she felt the cool metal fall into her hand. She mentally celebrated before managing to click it, allowing the blade to unsheathe itself.

Vivian began to concentrate on slowly cutting the ropes while keeping an eye out for Samoa Joe and Summer Rae. She was tired of feeling powerless and helpless as she had been the last 48 hours. She was letting her instincts take over, despite the amount of pain she was in. If she could play a badass character inside the ring, then she could try and be the same outside the ring.   

  Her eyes widened and she felt herself smile as the ropes were loose enough for her to break. She slowly untied the cloth from her mouth and untied her legs as well. Vivian got up as she looked around her surroundings.

  She began to slowly walk away, while looking around.

  It was then she heard barking throughout the warehouse. "Who's there?" she called out. She heard the bark again and immediately recognized. "Luna?!" she called out as she ran to the direction of the barking. When she got in the direction of a moonlight-dimmed area, she gasped as she saw Luna running towards her.

   "Luna! What are you doing here?!" she said as she bent down and pet the happy dog, who kept licking her cheek.


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