Chapter 65: A Happy Family

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Third Person's P.O.V.

It had been 3 days since Jon and Vivian got home. He informed everybody he had found her. The police had Summer arrested and she was being sent to a prison far away where they would never escape. Since Summer violated the restraining orders, she was sentenced for life behind bars and justice was finally served. The psycho blonde wouldn't get her hands on them ever again.

Jon wasn't charged with any type of murder for shooting Samoa Joe, as the McMahons knew it was self-defense and the cops understood very well.

Everybody was currently in the living room of Jon and Vivian's house. She had a blanket around her and the fireplace was on. Colby and Joe were with their girls on some chairs. Ashley held JoJo, and Mercedes was sitting down in front of the little family.

Jon held Emily in his arms as his wife held a cup of hot chocolate just the way she liked it. The dried blood had been wiped off and there was now a line of stitches on her temple. Her right arm was bandaged from the knife. Her face was covered in some bruises and she had a black eye.

"I still can't believe we managed to make it out of there alive." Joe said. "Tell me about it. Those psychos were too much." Mercedes agreed. Everybody chuckled in agreement.

"I'm just glad my family's safe. I missed this more than anything. I didn't even know you all were looking for me. I thought nobody was coming." Vivian said as tears welled in her eyes.

  All the girls went and hugged her as well as the guys. Jon handed Emily to her mom and she took her into her arms. "Good to see you again, mí amor." she said as she kissed her forehead.

  Joe decided to put on a movie for all of them to watch. Sarah and Galina had made some dinner for all of them and they all sat in the living room, enjoying their time together and having Vivian back.

  Once the movie was done, everybody left and it was Jon, Emily, and Vivian.

  Jon got the now sleeping Emily and took her to her nursery before coming back downstairs to his wife. Vivian winced as she tried for get herself up. He wrapped and arm around her and helped her up. "You okay?" he asked. "I'm fine. Just sore." she replied.

  "How long will you be out?" he asked. "About three weeks, but I'll still do segments. I won't have to relinquish the title, luckily." she explained.

  They slowly made their way up the stairs and went into the bedroom. Jon went to the bathroom and set up a warm bath for himself and Vivian.

  He helped her out of her clothes and his as well. They got into the tub and she relaxed against her husband. He wrapped his arms around her as he kissed her head. "I love you, Babe." he said. "I love you more, Handsome." she told him. He traced his lips to her neck and kisses it, making her sigh. "You have to wait till I'm feeling better." she told him.

  "I understand, Babygirl." he told her. They sat in the tub for the next 30 minutes just talking and enjoying each other's company. Once they were done with their bath, they got dressed and got into bed before falling asleep in each other's arms.

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