Chapter 22: A New Me

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A Month And A Half

Tanya's P.O.V.

"Okay, you three. Tonight, we go out there and show everybody that we are the ones who run this place. We can kick our opponents asses in no time. Time to prove that we're back and better than ever." I told them as I zipped up my jacket.

All three of them chuckled before he spoke up. "Well, Babygirl. With you on our team, we will be unstoppable just like the good old days. You are the only female we need and as long as we work together, we could take this place back and claim the gold." he explained before ruffling my purple head.

Tonight, I was going to be in an 8-person mixed tag-team match against Emma, Rusev, Chris Jericho, and Kevin Owens. I was able to choose my three partners for the night. These three men have been through hell and back, ups and downs, and unity together. Let's just say, the WWE Universe is in for a surprise.

Dean and I have gotten stronger. I even dyed my hair a different color this time ever since my face turn with the help of Sasha and Seth. Well, Seth did the purple while Sasha did the blue tints in it. Also, I'll be debuting a new theme song. I am so excited to have a fresh start to my character and myself.

I was already behind the curtain, waiting for my theme to play. I was in my pink gear and white jacket. I already had on my glasses and 'BOSS' rings.  I took a deep breath as Charly came over for our segment. "Excuse me, Tanya? Do you mind answering a few questions?" she asked. I smiled and shook my head.

"Everybody has been taking all over social media since you and Dean Ambrose had made amends over the situation from a couple months ago. What are you feeling knowing that you two are back together?" she asked. I smiled as I spoke up. "It feels great, Charly. All the time I was gone, I will admit, I missed Dean so much. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget about him. I know everybody's questioning what Seth thinks. He respects that I love Dean and that he will always be my partner-in-crime." I finished. I turned around as I heard my new theme play.

  I walked out to screaming fans with a huge smile on my face. "And their opponents! First, from Boston, Massachusetts, she is the Raw Women's Champion, Tanya Banks!" JoJo announced. I got my shades and placed them on my head before walking down the ramp. I sent glares to my opponents before I stopped at the end of the ramp.

"Couldn't find a partner? Poor little Tanya. Who would want to be partners with a little girl like you?" Kevin mocked me. I rolled my eyes and scoffed before I was handed a microphone. "Kevin, just shut up. All of you are clearly nothing but cowards who can't fight for shit without being weasels. You're disrespecting YOUR Raw Women's Champion and that's not nice." I said.

The crowd began changing, 'You're The Boss! You're The Boss!' over and over again. My opponents were talking shit to them and yelling at them. I smirked as I held the microphone to my mouth.

"But, you know, you're wrong about tonight. I do have partners. These men have been brought back together all because they care about me so much. I'm proud to say, I am officially a member of the new and improved group of men that will kick your asses in no time." I explained before tossing the microphone. They all looked confused. Until....

Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. S.H.I.E.L.D.

Dean, Roman, and Seth all walked out in their 'Shield' shirts. They were at the top of the stairs with smirks on their faces. "And her partners! The team of Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose, The Shield!" JoJo announced. I got on the apron as The Shield began walking down the stairs. I slid inside the ring and mocked a little wave to Emma, Kevin, Chris, and Rusev. I took my title off and rose it above my head, making the crowd cheer more.

My partners all got over the barricade and joined me in the ring. I took off my jacket and accessories. I gave my title to the referee as the bell rang. "I'll start things off." Roman told us. We nodded before Dean, Seth, and I all went onto the apron. It was going to be Rusev and Roman starting the match off.

*15 Minutes Later*

Chris Jericho was crawling to his corner. Seth was crawling towards me. Roman and Dean took on Rusev and Kevin on the outside. I extended my arm out, desperate for a tag. "Come on, Seth!" I encouraged him and Emma was begging Chris to tag her him. Seth managed to get up and tag me in.

The crowd went insane as I got inside the ring. I landed punches to Emma, backing her into the turnbuckle. I grabbed her and hit her with a Superplex. The crowd was going insane as my boys took on the others. I got on the top rope and performed a Leaping Clothesline. I got her and performed the Bankrupt. I went for a pin.

"One! Two! Th-"

Rusev came and broke the count. Roman came in and speared him before sending him over the top rope. Kevin came in and sent Roman over. Seth got on the top rope and hit him with a Frogsplash. He ran and hit him with the Curbstomp. Kevin rolled out of the ring in pain. I saw Chris Jericho coming towards me, but I kicked him in the face and he was turned into a Dirty Deeds by Dean.

I saw Rusev and Kevin trying to take down Roman and Seth. I ran to the ropes and did a Suicide Dive, sending them down. I got up and rose my arm, making the crowd cheer. I slid in the ring and ducked from a Clothesline by Emma. I grabbed her and hit her with the Backstabber. I then locked her into the Bank Statement. She screamed as she trashed her legs.

Kevin came in, but was speared by Roman. I applied more pressure to Emma and she tapped out. I let her go as I stood up, my theme playing. "Here are your winners! The Shield!" JoJo announced. My boys slid in the ring and all attacked me with hugs and kisses. Roman lifted me up, spinning me around. Seth hugged me tightly, kissing my head.

Dean came over and smashed his lips to mine, making the crowd go insane. I gripped his hair as we began making out. We pulled away and we all raised each other's arms. All three of them pu their fists in. They looked at me and I smiled as the crowd did the 'Yes!' chant. I put my fist in between Roman and Dean's. The crowd was screaming now.

Soon, all of us went backstage together.

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