Chapter 37: I'll Be There To Help You. I Promise.

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Vivian's P.O.V.

It has been three months since Jon and I had our little fallout when I announced my pregnancy. He and I still live together, but he doesn't talk to me. He's even moved into our guest bedroom. We haven't even glanced at each other. I want to work things out with him, but I don't think he wants to do the same.

It just breaks my heart that he probably doesn't want to be with me anymore because I'm carrying his child. I thought it would be a happy moment for us. I thought he would take it like a champ. Well, I guess I was dead wrong.

I've decided to keep my baby, since I didn't have the heart to get rid of him or her. I've already grown love for my unborn child, but I can't say the same for Jon. With this going on, I'm probably just going to end up as a single parent.

I was currently backstage at Raw, in the Women's locker room. I wasn't going to be competing, obviously. I had informed Stephanie and Hunter about the pregnancy, and they agreed to let me not compete. As of now, I just accompany to the ring sometimes, sit at commentary, or just sit here in the back or in catering with the girls.

I was watching Jon, Joe, and Colby's match against the debuting Samoa Joe, Kevin Owens, and Braun Strowman. I was wearing my sister's merch with a pair of blue jeans and a black hoodie. I had no makeup on, whatsoever and my hair was just it's natural style.

The girls are excited about the arrival of the baby. The Four Horsewomen, Sarah, and Galina are excited to meet their niece or nephew. I haven't said this to anyone, but I've chosen the female Flair as my baby's godmother. She has been helping me throughout the pregnancy. She's been taking me to my appointments, etc.

Joe and Colby are pissed off as well. Joe keeps visiting me and Colby always calls daily to check up on me.

The fans have been really supportive since I announced my pregnancy. Whether it's my Twitter or Instagram, all I've been getting is sweet compliments. They can't wait.

I've been really depressed as of late. I force myself to eat for my baby's sake. My arm is now littered with fresh cuts that I've been giving myself. However, I'm cautious to not hurt the baby. It just hurts so much emotionally and mentally.

"Hey, sis."

I looked and saw Mercedes there with Pam and Ashley. She had a bowl of some grapes and a bottle of water. She handed them to me, which I gladly took. "Thanks, girls." I told them. They all sat down with me as we saw the match. I began to eat the grapes.

"So, any word from Jon yet?" my sister asked me. I sighed and shook my head. "I knew this would happen." I said. "Hey, it wasn't either of your guys' fault. Don't beat yourself up mentally for it." Pam said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I felt tears in my eyes as I rubbed my belly. "I don't want to be a single parent. I love him so much. The fact he doesn't want the baby cuts me deep." I cried. My sister pulled me into her. I clutched her jacket sobbing into her shoulder. The other girls all joined in and began comforting me. I could tell they were trying not to cry as well.

Instantly, there was a knock on the door. Ashley got up and answered it. "Can we see her? We heard everything." I recognized the voice as Joe's. "Everybody decent?" she asked. The girls nodded their heads. I sniffled before I got up and went outside.

I looked at Joe and Colby. "Don't cry, Sweetheart." he told me. They both wrapped their arms around me and I sobbed into their shoulders. "Shh, Babygirl. We got ya." Joe reassured me, rubbing my back. "Think about the baby. He or she wouldn't want you to feel sad." he explained.

I cried for a few minutes until I calmed down. Colby wiped my tears as Joe ruffed my hair.

"I'm sorry. I'm just upset that Jon is distant from me. I knew he wouldn't want the baby. Is it really my fault?" I told them. "No, Vivian. None of this is your fault. If Jon doesn't man up to take care of your or the child, then that's on him. You are so much more. You're a badass woman who does things no other woman would do. You'll be a great mother. With or without Jon, just know you still have people who would help you." Joe explained.

"Thanks, guys." I told them. It was then Colby placed a hand on his best friend's shoulder. "Can I speak to her alone for a bit?" he asked. "Sure, man." Joe replied. They bumped fists before he kissed my head. "See you later, Babygirl." he said. "See you, Bro." I told him as he left.

Colby took my and and guided me to some crates. I took a seat on them as he stood in front of me. He took my hands in his as he looked at me.

"Vivian, if it's okay with you, I want to be there. I want to be there as not only your best friend and partner-in-crime, but as your brother." he explained. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "W-What are you saying, Colbs?" I asked him.

"I'll be there throughout your pregnancy, along with Sarah. I'll be there at appointments if you need someone. I'll be there when you're in labor. I'll be there for you and your baby. I'll help you raise my niece or nephew. Whatever you need, I'll be there. I'll be there to help you. I promise. he explained.

I smiled as I nodded. "Thanks, Colby. You are free to stick around as long as you like." I said. He kissed my forehead and pulled me into a brotherly hug. I relaxed into his embrace and hugged him back.

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