"Nothing for you to worry, I assure you. I'm because some of the staff here that monitor the Indominus saw his rapid increase in size, and I'm here to make sure how much he will grow in a determined period of time. I think you also saw the workers outside. They are here if the Indominus grows too big from what we designed it to."

He explains while look at a glass in his hands that glowed with written things and some pictures. Like a very advanced iPad.

"You saw him?" I ask.

"I did, from behind the glass obviously," He chuckles. "He is still small, but he will grow fast, faster than predicted."

"Like how fast?" I was curious to know if Levi would grow ten meters in a night. I know that's unlikely, but who knows.

"He was predicted to grow full size in the time period of five months, but now it's between one and two months," My eyes bulge, but I recover to unfazed and curious.

"That's... cool," I say without knowing what really to say.

"What's 'cool' is your relationship with him. Anyone that tries to set foot inside is almost eaten, while you can even pet it with the fear of having your hand being bitten off," He chuckles some more, placing the glass monitor on a table near us. "I have to say, I'm impressed."

"Thank you," I smile with only my lips. He is impressed by me, oh my God! I'm so happy!

"Owen has been trying to train his raptors to some level for much longer than you, and he can't get close to the bars without a loud hissing noise of bite attempt. I hope you continue making progress," He pats my shoulder and walks away.

I take a while to process what happened. Having Dr. Wu, the one who brought dinosaurs back to life with the help of Hammond compliment and is proud of me is now something I can cross out of my bucket list.

Taking deep breaths, I relax before walking into the room that has the door to Levi's enclosure. Today I wanted to train a different trick. I wanted for him to come for me once I made some sort of signal, like a distinct noise.

I saw that before rewarding the raptors with food, Owen makes a clicking noise with a device. That's a good option, but the sound is low, and he uses it when they are under him from that pathway.

The door opens slowly, and I enter the enclose, closing it behind me. Levi is nowhere to be found from where I stand, but I know he is somewhere.

"Levi, I'm here," I say in a loud voice but not loud enough for me to be shouting. Leaves a couple of meters in front of me moved, and Levi soon shows up in a small trot. I smile as I look behind him to see his tail swishing from side to side. "You are just a very big and weird dog," I chuckled, patting his snout.

 He snorts in return and stands up straight. Cute. "I want to try something."

I walk around ten meters from the door, knowing Levi was following and ordered for him to stay. Then, I walk back and put my fingers between my lips and blow, making a clear and loud whistle. I knew it wouldn't work at first as Levi only stared at me, waiting for me to call him, but it was to make used to the sound.

"Come here, boy," I say, patting my thighs. He obeys me by walking over and nudging his head on my shoulder once he was in front of me. "I know you won't understand me, but when I whistle, I need you to come to me, okay? This is for me to call you easier than shouting your name like a lunatic," I chuckle. His eyes blink to what seemed he only understood point one of what I said. "Let's do it again."

I try one more time, but it doesn't work as the first time, however, I'm not mad at him, it takes a while to get the hang of it. Thankfully on the third time, he walks over, and I take a small piece of meat I had tucked in my small bag and throw it high for him to catch.

"Good boy. Let's do it again."

"Hey, eat slower, or you'll get a stomach ache like you did just a few minutes ago," Owen scolds me on our lunch. Today I decided to eat in the cafeteria as I was starving, not forgetting to feed Levi a nice pair of cow ribs. But since the paddock was in the isolated area of the park; authorized personnel only that was allowed to enter it was far away from the workers' cafeteria, I needed to eat fast.

"I know but I need to get back to work. Where's Barry?" I ask, taking a bite of my chicken leg, the thigh part. So delicious and juicy.

"They needed him somewhere else. He already ate his lunch so he won't be coming," Owen answers, then takes a sip of his orange juice. I nod and continue my feast. "Well, Beast, I'll see you later,' He stands up and takes his empty plate on his tray. I'm left alone, but I'm only a few bites from finishing.

After many times practicing, Levi would always come back to me wherever he was in the paddock when I whistled. You always feel so proud when you teach your dog a new trick, even if it is sitting down. I know he isn't a dog, he is far from it, but I care for him as if he was mine.

"Let's go back and have more training."


Hey guys, new chapter! Yay! Thanks for all your votes, I'm happy to know people are enjoying this story.

Of course, the fanart isn't mine but I found it cute.

Sorry for the wait I just had to get somethings done before I could start this chapter, as well for it being quite boring. I have some ideas in my mind for the next chapter so it won't take as long for me to update.

What was the last song you listened to or is currently listening to? Mine is Valkyrie by ONEUS.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. 

Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought and 'see' you next time.

Jan 13, 2019

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