~ Cha(n)pter Nineteen ~

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry about me." Chan said with a lazy grin. Woojin pulled the throw tighter around his body with a frown.

Chan reached out and used his pointer fingers to turn Woojin's frown into a smile. Woojin gave a small smile, appreciating Chan's (successful) attempt at making him grin.

"Flower, come on let's go to sleep." Woojin said, opening his arms, inviting Chan to be enveloped in a blankety hug.

"I've got to deal with this first." Chan said, flicking the light switch by the door on to reveal the mess he made.

"Whatta mess." Chan grumbled, seeing the pile of various trinkets that had fallen from the shelf.

Woojin lowered his arms, tying the throw around his neck.

"Let's clean this up fast. I wanna go to sleep." Woojin said.

"Chicken Wing, you don't have to help me. I can clean up my own mess. I'm not a kid." Chan pouted, crossing his arms.

"You sure act like one." Woojin comments, picking up the first item and putting it into the top drawer. 

"Do not!" Chan huffed, marching over to help Woojin clear the space.

"You're just proving my point!" Woojin gleefully.

"I hate you." Chan said with a huff, rolling his eyes as he picked up a stuffed bear.

"No you don't." Woojin said smugly, snatching the bear from Chan's grasp.

"Hey, I want to hold him!" Chan said, reaching out in an attempt to grab the bear back.

"No! He's mine." Woojin said, hugging the bear tightly to his chest, looking up at Chan with a stubborn pout.

 Woojin looked like the most precious person on earth at that moment in Chan's eyes. It took all of Chan's willpower to not run over to the older and pepper kisses all over his face. 

"Fine, be that way." Chan said, throwing a rubber duck at Woojin's head.

"Ow!" Woojin exclaimed as the duck hit Chan's target. 

"It's your fault for having a rubber duck there in the first place." Chan said, childishly sticking out his tongue at Woojin. 

"I haven't had the time to unpack all my stuff yet." Woojin whined. "I kind of just shoved it all in the closet and called it a day."

"That explains why there's a bunch of random things here." Chan said, picking up a textbook from Sophomore year.

"Oh, I need that. Jeongin was asking for it but I had no idea where it went." Woojin said, reaching out his hand expectantly.

"I didn't know Jeongin took music theory." Chan said, eyeing the cover of the textbook.

Woojin hummed in response, taking the book in his hands when Chan passed it to him.

He then turned to the drawers, setting the book on top before rummaging in the first drawer for something.

Woojin pulled out a pad of sticky notes, pulling one off and placing it onto the textbook, running his thumb along the top to make sure it would stick. He threw the pad back into the drawer and looked for a pen, pulling one out in no time. He then wrote on the sticky note before capping the pen and tossing it back into the drawer. 

The note read: Don't forget to give to Jeongin in the morning!!! ^.^

"Aw, that face is so cute!" Chan exclaimed, reading the note over Woojin's shoulder. Woojin jumped slightly, bumping his hand on the open drawer in the process. 

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