"Baby, breath. Please breath. You'll be fine. Just hang in there. We'll go to hospital now. You have to be calm for me. " I didn't tell him he is bleeding. I rushed to grab some clothes for him after putting him on the bed. I put on a casual black t shirt and black jeans of mine hurriedly. I picked him up in my arms in bridal style and ran to my car. He was still crying and holding on to his abdomen. And blood started to soak onto his jeans. I put him on passenger seat and buckled him up. I started the car and drove to the hospital.

"K-kong, k-kong what is h-happening to m-me?" He asked me in his cries. My heart broke at the moment. He was so weak and pale.

"Nothing love nothing. May be it's just stomach bug. We'll reach the hospital in a minute. Please hang in there for me."

Suddenly, he cried out even louder and slumped against the seat. I felt a surge of panic, and he didn't respond to my calls. His body remained still, and he didn't speak. Fear took hold of me, 

"Baby, please . Please open your eyes. Don't do this to me. Love, listen to me." Again no movements.

I remembered my cousin was working in a hospital near by our area. I quickly dialed my cousin's number. She answered after a few rings.

"Hello, P May. Are you at the hospital?"

"Yes, Kong. But seriously sweetheart, did you forget how to greet your elders?"

"Sorry, P. I'm on my way to the hospital. Just prepare your staff."

"W-what's wrong? Are you hurt? Where are you? Tell me, and I'll send an ambulance right now." She inquired worriedly.

"No, P, I'm on my way, okay?"

I cut the call. After two or three minutes I pull off the car in front of hospital. P May was standing in front of the door of hospital. I ran to open the door of passenger's side. Medical staff rushed to us with a stretcher, gently transferring Arthit onto it. We hurried into the hospital, with two male nurses and P May guiding us. They took him to the emergency room (ER), and I was about to follow, but P May stopped me.

"Kong, what happened? How come Arthit is in this state?"

"I don't know P. He was soundly sleeping and I just tried to wake him for breakfast and to make sure he is fine or not?"

"What do you mean fine?"

"Umm. P, a-actually last night we did it for the f-first time. And he was a v-virgin." She glared at me and shouted.

"Kongpob, you stupid how can you do this at this limit he became unconscious. Are you human or not?"

"P, I was gentle. He was fine after that. He was fine in the morning too. But when I tried to give him medicine he started yelping in pain. And he held his abdominal area. Then I saw blood dripping from his b-back."

"Kongpob you are dead. How can you do this. He look so fragile and not to mention a god sent angel. Just wait for me in waiting room and let me look how is the situation. I'll tell you after the checking him."

They took him into ER and I tried to get pass through the doors to ER. I started getting panicked.

"Kong, you can't go in there. Just wait. Don't panic; try to keep yourself calm. Arthit needs you to be composed right now, not anxious. Just wait here, and we'll let you know as soon as we have an update. Also, call both sets of parents, so they can support you and be informed as well." 

When P May rushed into the ER I slumped on the chair in waiting area. I was not showing the signs of any vulnerable emotions but now I can't hold. Tears formed into my eyes. My hands were shaking. I dialled his father's number. He picked up immediately.

I Hate Him (fanfic Kongpob and Arthit)Where stories live. Discover now