Chapter Twenty Seven: We had it coming

Start from the beginning

"uhhh,i never thought about this honestly,i eat so little it-its completely normal though,i was never much of an eater,but nothing really changed," i shrugged,"i see,have you been having any sort of tiredness,running out of breath easily,a lot of mood swings?" he explained with his hands,

"oh yes! alot! i run out of breath so easily i could walk up the stairs and i'd lose my breath,i feel like i'm always tired,i could never rest," i explained,

a few minutes had passed and he had asked me a more questions, i didn't hesitate to answer anything i didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable answering anything until,"lastly Hana,are you sexually active?" he asked with a straight face,

Ivan who had moved places from standing near the door way,to coming to living area and sitting near the doctor on the couch,choked on air and looked at the doctor with his eyes widened,

"why is that necessary doctor?" he asked the doctor calmly when i knew deep inside he wanted to yell,
"everything is necessary for a doctor to know, you're a doctor yourself so i guess you're familiar with the saying 'Doctor should know everything'" he explained with a warm smile

"y-yes" i answered eyeing Ivan who gave me a dirty glare questioning why i answered that,but he doesn't understand that i want to know,in fact i know,i know what the doctor will say,i'm just waiting for the doctor to spill the news,everything adds up

"can you tell me when was the last time you were intimate with someone?" he asked again fixing his glasses,eyeing the little paper infront of him, he was taking notes.

"about..." i took out my fingers to count,i hardly remembered,"three more days and it will be three weeks" Ivan answered his question right after he asked,its like he never forgets any time we were intimate,we barely saw each other the the last three weeks, makes sense because his was on a trip,

"and are you her partner Doctor?" he turned to Ivan and raised one eyebrow,"y-yes" Ivan stuttered and looked away,how cute,
his cheeks turned a tinted red, why is he so embarrassed? he looked like he was guilty of breaking something and refused to admit his action,it made me smile a little,

"well then mystery solved," the doctor closed his journal and turned back to me,"you...", i closed my eyes,my nails dug deep into my palm my heart beat like crazy,just say it

"have anemia" the doctor finished,i opened my eyes feeling a strange sense of relief and disappointment at the same time,

"oh i was right," Ivan put a hand over his chest and sighed a sigh of relief,
"that's not all doctor lewis" he chuckled,before the doctor could open his mouth to talk again, Ivans phone started ringing and he excused himself to go answer it because it seemed important,

"Doctor,please tell me" I checked for Ivan to see if he was still in the room and when i was sure he wasn't i whispered to the doctor,
"Why don't you wait until he comes back I'm sure the news will be more exc-" he talked but i cut him off,

"Just tell me doctor please!" I begged him still checking the door way,
"Well,you...are pregnant my dear" my rubbed my arm and gave me a comforting smile,

My heart dropped,this cannot be happening,I'm not ready,Ivan is not read,what if he gets mad?,
"Doctor are you sure? I'm not having any nausea or going through normal things a pregnant lady goes through-" i overthought and babbled denying the fact that I might be in fact pregnant,

"I'm almost hundred percent sure dear" he reassured me,
"Please Doctor," i looked around for Ivan and he was still on the phone talking,I turned back to face the doctor and my eyes teared up,

"Please don't tell Ivan,can you do some tests? Can you be certain? Please let's be sure first,if he asks just make up something" I talked so fast that I'm impressed the doctor understood what i was getting at,

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