" You trust me, don't you?" Aria asks

Merlin nods his  head

"Then trust me when I say, your secret is safe with me, I promise," she said with a smile.

Merlin sighed in relief

" Thank you so much"  Merlin gave Aria a side hug which she returns.

" Who else knows, about your magic?" Aria wondered as they pull away

" Only Gaius" Merlin answered

" how come you never told me or anyone else for that matter?" Aria questioned again this time looking annoyed.

" Well for one, magic is outlawed,"

"ok, apart from that?" Aria rolled her eyes.

Merlin shrugged his shoulders

"I don't know. I guess I just didn't want you to see me any differently" Merlin admitted
Aria just nodded.

It was silent for a few minutes, nothing but the sound of the crackling fire and the howling wind.

"Were you born with it?" Aria asked

Merlin turned his head to look at her with a confused look on his face. "What?"

" Your magic. Were you born with it, or did you learn it?"

Merlin sighed" I was born with it. I could move objects before I could talk. But I now only ever use it to protect Arthur"

Aria's eyes lite up as she remembered the time Merlin had first come to Camelot" All those years ago when you first came to Camelot, the candelabra fell on that woman who tried to kill Arthur, that was you wasn't it?" Aria asked

" Yeah" Merlin nodded sheepishly remembering the first time he saved Arthur's life.

" Thank you, Merlin. For protecting him all these years" Aria said smiling at her friend.

Merlin smiled back, happy that someone other then Gaius knew about his magic and would keep his secret.

" I'm sorry for lying to you all these years" Merlin apologised

"I understand why you did" Aria looked at Merlin with sympathy but before she could say anything else.
Arthur let out a groan as he opened his eyes.

He looks around confused for a second before his eyes rest on Merlin and Aria.

" What happened?" he demands

" You don't remember?" Aria asks.

Arthur shakes his head slightly before noticing that it was only them three there.

"Where are the others, Leon, Elyan, Violet?" Arthur asked as Aria and Merlin exchange looks.

" There was nothing I could do. I had to get you to safety" Merlin tells him reluctantly

Arthur chuckles a little.

" What actually happened?" Arthur asks

" The usual, I saved your neck" Merlin states

Arthur looks at Merlin in disbelief

" You saved me"

" Yes, and I can juggle. I keep telling you I have many talents"

"Well, I helped a little" Aria interjects raising her hand slightly.

" That I can believe after witnessing you use a sword" Arthur smiled at his sister.

Aria had a hopeful gleam in her eyes.
"Does that mean you'll consider knighting me?" She asked

" Not a chance" Arthur quickly shot down the idea making Aria frown

Merlin rolled his eyes, laughing slightly and helped Arthur up.

" C'mon, " Merlin says.

They collect their weapons, put out the fire and set off.


The trio had been walking for a while and they were now walking across a grassy plain when Merlin suddenly huffs, clearly fed up.

" Couldn't we have a break?" Merlin asked the two siblings ahead of him

Aria looks over her shoulder at him as they walk.

" As long as it's quick" she replies turning back around.

" I want to reach Ismere before dark," Arthur adds

" Ismere?!, We are heading back to Camelot!" Merlin nearly shouts at the two

" Navigation is not your strong point, is it?" Arthur says sarcastically

Aria giggled a little at her brother's comment.

" Camelot is south--" Arthur points behind him

" Sunrise is where?" Arthur gestured up to the cloudy sky

" In the east" Merlin answered

" And what have we been walking towards all day?" Aria asked

" To our deaths! the three of us against Morgana, are you mad?" Merlin yelled angrily

" I told you, I'm going to rescue my men, " Arthur says stubbornly and Aria nods agreeing with him.

" No!" Merlin grabbed Arthurs arm stopping him from walking. Aria also stops and turns to face Merlin.

" if you're afraid, then go," Arthur tells him.

" I'm worried about you," Merlin said

" Right, well I've tried sending you home. But if you're not going to do as I ask, the least you can do is shut up." Arthur states 

And with that Arthur and Aria continued walking.

Merlin stays where he is and Arthur looks back at him

" Come on"

" You know if Morgana doesn't kill you, I will" Merlin threatened

"Threatening a king is treason Merlin," Arthur tells him

" What about threatening an ass!?" Merlin grumbled in annoyance as he started following the two.

" Heard that!" Arthur called back.
Aria just laughs at them.

Defying Destiny - A Merlin Fanfic Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora