Chapter 79: Wrestlemania Part 1

Start from the beginning

  Galina, Sarah, and Joelle were going to be in the front row with Emily. It honestly felt great that my daughter would be seeing me wrestle for the first time.

  My girls and I were already behind the curtain and I felt butterflies in my stomach. Not only was this a 8-woman tag-team match, it was also an elimination match.

  "Okay, ladies." I said as I looked at them. "We have the chance to prove ourselves to the Faux Horsewomen. When we all got together in NXT, we agreed to change the game and now we have. They say that we don't have a bond? Well, tonight, we prove them wrong. Even if we don't win, we'll always be the Four Horsewomen. I love you all so much." I told them.

  We all huddled and shared a group hug, me in the middle of all of them.

  We all huddled and shared a group hug, me in the middle of all of them

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  "Let's go kick some ass." I said as we all separated.

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  The Wrestlemania crowd erupted into massive cheering as my team and I walked out. We all held four fingers as we did our entrance.

  "The following contest is an 8-woman elimination tag-team match scheduled for one-fall! Introducing first, the team of Charlotte Flair, Sasha Banks, Bayley, Becky Lynch, and the Raw Women's Champion, Tanya Ambrose, the Four Horsewomen!"

  We held four fingers with one hand and did The Shield's fist bump with the other.

  "The Four Horsewomen of WWE paying homage to The Shield, their most notable and powerful allies with that pose." Renee said at commentary.

We all walked down the ramp, arms around each other. We all laughed and smiled as we greeted some fans on the way down. Once we got to the ring, we got on the apron and did our signature poses. We got inside the ring and waited for our opponents to come out.

Shayna's theme played and all five of them walked out with their game faces on. The crowd was booing them.

"Their opponents! The team of Ronda Rousey, Shayna Baszler, Marina Shafir, Jessamyn Duke, and Mia Yim, the Four Horsewomen!" JoJo announced.

They walked down the ramp before sliding in the ring. They did their thing before they turned to glare at us. They held four fingers while yelling and we did the same thing.

Now, time to wait the special guest referee.

  We all waited as we looked at the ramp.

  Eagle Screech

"HELL YEAH, BABY!" Renee said.


  I smiled as she walked out in her referee outfit, the crowd going absolutely insane.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome your special guest referee, the Smackdown Women's Champion, Paige!"

She ran down the ramp as the crowd sang her theme. She slid in the ring before she went over to us, hugging us all. She kissed Charlotte and the crowd cheered. They pulled away before she signaled for the bell to ring.

The bell rang and both teams talked on who would start first. Rebecca decided to start off and so did Jessamyn.

   They circled each other and Rebecca began assaulting and attacking Jessamyn. She landed punches on her left and right. She grabbed her and sent her into the turnbuckle. She ran and let out a battle cry as she kneed Jessamyn in the face. She tossed her across the ring. She went for a pin. "One! Two!" Jessamyn kicked out. Rebecca began hitting her with Suplexes. She grabbed her by the hair and brought her over to us.

   Pam tagged herself in. She got inside and began giving Jessamyn brutal kicks. She tossed her across the ring and Jessamyn crawled to her corner, trying to tag someone in, but the young lady grabbed her and began assaulting her. She grabbed her and hit a Buckle Bomb that Colby taught her. Jessamyn was clutching her shoulder in pain. Bayley got on the top turnbuckle once she was laying down. She then hit a Flying Elbow, much like Randy Savage.

   She tagged in Ashley and my best friend came in and hit her with a knee strike. She went for a pin. "One! Two!" Jessamyn kicked out. She dragged her to us and she began doing the Flair Chops. She tossed her around before nailing her with a Spear. She walked over to us before laying her hand out.

I decided to tag myself in. I began walking towards Jessamyn, who backed up quickly and tagged in Marina.

   Marina got in and we smirked at each other.

"Two ladies who have ignited a personal rivalry." Corey said.

"Remember, Marina started talking crap about Dean Ambrose and Tanya decided she had enough." Michael said.

  Marina pushed me before she ounched me in the face. I turned and laughed, flipping my hair before I responded with a Moonlight Drive. I grabbed her and got her to a corner. I kicked her repeatedly before grabbing her, hitting a Falcon Arrow until Marina was coughing.

   I grabbed her and hit her with Superwoman Punches. The crowd was going wild at my team. I went for a pin. Paige went to count. "One! Two!" Marina kicked out. "Kick her ass, Pumpkin!" Paige encouraged her. I clotheslined Marina and did a roll before doing a battle cry. I ran and hit her with a forearm. I tossed her across the ring and went to perform the Dis-Arm-Her, but Marina rolled me up.

    "One! Two!" I kicked out. I got up, but was met with a brutal kick by Marina. She dragged me and tagged in Ronda. 

   Ronda got in and began assaulting me. She grabbed me and Clotheslined me before she locked me in an Armbar. I quickly got to the bottom rope and was forced to be released.

  25 Minutes Later

  I hit Mia with a Backstabber before I hit her with a roundhouse kick. I went for a pin. "One! Two!" she kicked out. I grabbed her and performed a Twist Of Fate. I went for a pin.

"One! Two!"

Shayna came and broke the count.

Pam came in and hit her with a Bayley-To-Belly.

Marina tossed her out the ring.

Mercedes hit her with the Bankrupt.

Jessamyn hit her with a kick.

Rebecca hit her with a flying forearm.

Ronda hit her with a Judo Toss.

Ashley hit her with a Spear.

Mia tossed her out the ring.

As I recovered, Paige went and kicked Mia. She grabbed her before hitting the Paige-Turner. She told me to go up and I smiled.

I got up and climbed the ropes before waiting for her to get up. I hit her with a Hurricarana. I grabbed Mia and hit her with the Dirty Deeds. I got down and pinned her with a smirk on my face.

"One! Two! Three!"

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