Yes, that's right. We get our own tour bus which consisted of six bedrooms and three bathrooms. It always baffled me how they could fit all that inside a damn bus. I invited all the girls to come with me so they could meet Ari but also have fun and bond with each other. I already know it's going to be one hell of a ride.

I made my way to the kitchen where Camila and Ally were. They were talking and cooking breakfast for everyone which I felt thankful for. I creeped up behind the smaller brunette which made her jump. "Don't do that, y/n!" Camila tried hitting me with a tea towel but I ducked and ran around the island in the kitchen. "Come here, you asshole!" Trying to catch up to me I quickly hid behind Dinah which made Camila come to a halt.

Scared of her own best friend? Damn. I was taller than the Polynesian so I quickly poked my head up from behind her, squinting at Camila since she was so small. She gave me a glare before turning back to go to the kitchen. "Is she that scared of you, D?" I asked the Polynesian who just waved me off before playing with her acrylics. "It's all fun, y/nn." She smirked at me before going over to Mani. Great, now she calls me it.

Once we all had breakfast and finished packing, we had to go to my studio, since that was where the tour bus was. I was getting excited by the minute. Doing the things I love with the people I love. Couldn't get any better. I felt Camila wrap an arm around my neck as she kissed me softly. "Mm. You taste like cherries." She licked her lips before kissing them again.

"Ok, lovebirds. You can kiss each other's faces off when we get to our rooms." I knew Dinah was going to say that. I heard a cough and just knew it was Lauren. She kissed me for closure. I don't know why she's being weird about Camila and I being affectionate. She is my girlfriend after all. Oh, wait. I haven't told the girls.

"Guys. Just to let you know, Camila is now my girlfriend, so, please try to keep your hands off me." I joked but was half serious since I knew Dinah had a little crush on me, and Lauren, well, you know about that. The girls smiled and cheered as they put on some music. "About time, y/n. Walz has been dying to hop on that dick." Dinah burst out laughing as Mani looked at me before winking, laughing as she hid her face in Dinah's neck. The rest of the girls almost choked on their drinks as Camila looked down, a deep blush of red appearing on her cheeks.

I had to shift in my seat. The thought of Camila doing that eventually, made me go crazy for her. I made eye contact with Lauren who just gave me a smile before crossing her legs. I furrowed my eyebrows at her which made her mouth a 'what?' I quickly cleared my throat before wrapping my arms around Camila's waist. "Omg, guys. It's huge!" Ally shouted out which took me back. She was loud for such a small girl.

"I bet everything is big for you, Ally." I snorted as I tried not to laugh. The smaller brunette glared at me before shaking her head. "You should be glad I'm not the type to whoop your ass, otherwise you'd be crying." Damn, girl. I bit my lip to stifle the laugh that was going to come out sooner or later. Camila slapped the back of my head as I got out of the car and ran to the bus. "Dibs on the best bedroom." I shouted out before running up the steps.

Camila came running in behind me as she jumped on all the beds, trying to see which was the comfiest. "This one." I heard her giggle as she jumped up and down on the bed. "Great choice." I winked at her before tackling her. Camila giggled into my neck as she started kissing it. I happily let her as I brought a hand to her breast, squeezing it quite hard. The smaller brunette let out a breathy moan as she grabbed my face and kissed me.

I parted her lips with my tongue as I felt her tongue battle for dominance. I won, obviously. I heard a cough coming from behind us which made me part from Camila's lips with a smack. There they all were, watching us as we made out. Creeps. "No wonder you chose this room, huh, y/nn?" Mani asked as I tried not to laugh. "Dinah, you don't wanna have sex with Mani on the bus. She's a loud one." I smirked, knowing she was going to kill me.

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