Chapter 64 - Good Riddance To Chase

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They stopped the truck and tried to run. "Where do you think you are going?" My father and Marco pounced on the guys and beat them to a pulp.

I got out of the truck and ran into my husband's arms. "Cris, we have to go and make sure Layla is okay!"

"Cris, go!! We can take care of these two!" Ryan, Cris, and I got in his truck and took off towards home.


Chase's POV

I pulled up to the house and noticed that someone was laying in the driveway, shot. I don't know if that is a good sign or what. I haven't heard back from David or Mike yet. Let me get out of here and drive to Tampa.

As soon as I heard an ambulance and the police, I didn't have time to drive away, so I hid inside my house.

Cris' POV

We saw an ambulance, as well as police cars near the house. Jake was being placed on a stretcher as we pulled up.

Once I put the car in park, Ryan ran to Jake's house.

"Kamea, stay in the truck! Do not get out!"

I got out and ran to the officers. "Chase Dalton lives in this house! He kidnapped my wife and Layla Meyers! She is safely in my house!"

"We have several officers searching the house now."

After they said that, the two officers came back. "We couldn't find anything, sir."

Chase is a snake, and snakes can hide anywhere. I ran inside the house. We are ending this today. I am sick of his games! "Chase, come out and take your whooping like a man!!!"

I went upstairs first, searched everywhere but nothing.

Then, I went back downstairs. I heard something moving around in the basement. "I am going to make you wish you never crossed me!!!"

I went downstairs cautiously and started searching.

"Wham!" I was hit across the head with something and started stumbling but didn't lose my balance. The son of a sucker started a fire, so I darted back upstairs. He was trying to get the patio door open.

"Don't even try it!!!"

I grabbed him by his shirt, and we started fighting. The whole time we fought, he had a smirk on his face.

"You are sick!! But, after today, you will never hurt my family again!!!"

We traded punches back and forth. At one point he had me pinned down to the ground and started choking me.

"I had a taste of your wife and thoroughly enjoyed it. And, not just once either. Hopefully, a little Chase is now growing inside of her," he said as he plastered a smug grin on his face.

The fire started spreading quickly. It was a struggle, but I now had the upper hand. I kept punching him in the face. "That's for pulling a gun on Bliss and raping my wife!!!"

I kept punching until I looked up and saw a beam from above about to fall. I just made it out of the way, and it fell, right on Chase! He didn't even try to move. He just laid there on the ground, on fire!!! I had to get out! I grabbed one of the dining room table chairs that weren't on fire, then smashed the patio door glass. Then I hauled it out of the house.

Kam's POV

My dad and Marco pulled up to the house. I stood there, crying and hoping Cris got out of the house in time.

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