let me be

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Please move on
and let me be
the crazy girl
in your past.

The one that
sang to you
and spoke of
big dreams
that never
came true.

Let me be
the girl whom
you couldn't fix
because she
was so broke,
that she wasn't.

Keep those pieces
settled into you;
the small slivers
of the crazy girl
that escaped
when her lips
touched yours.

Let me be
the girl who
dreamt so big
and wanted you,
although she knew
the sad truth
that's not been spoken.

The one that
bound us together
where silence
kept alive-
not killed.

Let me be
the girl who
wrote you poems
so different from this one
and had you believe
If only for a moment.

Those impossibilities
that we conquered
will live
in my memory
if you let me be
and let me be
the girl who loved you,
is too much
go be in the present

So let me be
the crazy girl
in your past.

Let me be.

Maybe MondegreenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz