Always There For Her [Flashback]

Start from the beginning

Sung-min: "Ah, good morning (Y/N)"

(Y/N): "Good morning Mr Song."

Sung-min: "Can I have a moment with you (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Of course."

He wanted to talk to me in somewhere more open so he brought me out back into the backyard where I would normally hear the birds chirp and the bees buzz, but it's still winter so I got silence. Still the sun had risen and was shining over the house making it warmer than yesterday. I inhale the fresh morning breeze before seeing Mr Song motions me to sit down next to him on the backyard porch stair.

Sung-min: "How are you (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "I'm good."

Sung-min: "That's good. Listen, I need to ask you for a simple favor."

(Y/N): "There's no favor a Spartan can't do. Anything for you, what would you like?"

Sung-min: "I like your pride and determination (Y/N) to accomplish such a simple favor."

There was a pause in between as Mr Song cleared his throat as he begin his favor request.

Sung-min: "I'm getting older as the years go on and I can't live forever to see my daughter live a safe and happy life. Seeing my little girl fight these evil Omnics and putting her life in danger scares me, it's harder for me to sleep at nights with these thoughts."

(Y/N): "I can image that feeling."

Sung-min: "Yes well that is where you come in (Y/N). I am so grateful for my daughter to have met a strong, protective guardian like you and the fact that you are her boyfriend is a great relief. You love my daughter right?"

(Y/N): "With all my heart I do. I can't image a world without her in my life."

Sung-min: "That's really good to hear. Listen, all I want is for you to take good care of her for me, be her guardian angel and keep her safe for me."

(Y/N): "I'll do anything, and anything necessary to keep her safe."

Sung-min: "Thank you (Y/N). I knew I could trust you." He places a firm grip on my shoulders and similes at me. I similed back at him with pride.

Sung-min: "I mean of course I could trust on you (Y/N). You kept her safe for me when she was just sixteen years old." He added.

When he mentioned Hana's age when she was sixteen, I was completely lost. I pulled up a confused face at Mr Song and he looks at me back puzzled. "What does he mean when Hana was sixteen?" I say to myself. "I only meant her when she was nineteen I'm sure of it." I say to ensure myself.

(Y/N): I'm sorry, but what do you mean when she was sixteen? I don't believe I was there at that time."

Sung-min: "You don't remember?" He looked very suprised.

(Y/N): "I'm lost." I'd reassured him

Sung-min: "Well... it's a good thing I kept a little souvenir. Maybe this will help."

I looked at him oddly as he reached for his jacket pocket. Putting his hand inside the fabric pocket he pulled out what seemed to be a small folded piece of paper. He unfolds it and I can see how it has aged. He stares at it for a second before handing it to me. I take it from his hand and it was a old photograph taken about three years ago. Having little glimpses of the photos made memories flash back inside my mind at light speed. How did I easily forget about this...

This moment.


Three years ago (age seventeen)

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