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after a while of playing we were on 1:1 and it was the last round.

changbins HP was lowing in a while and i knew im going to win this one. with last click i used my gunshot and killed changbins character, scoring 3:1

,,YES!!!" i jumped, laughing.

,, I won, so now you need to buy me a whole ass dinner!" I continued with jumping happily around Changbin. He just groaned and grabbed my hand so I would stop hopping around like a little bunny.

,, You're so annoying sometimes, I swear" he started moving towards the exit. I stopped smiling widely when I heard his words. They hurt even if i knew they werent serious. A lot of people tell me that, but why does it hurt when Changbin said these few words? I felt a bit offended.

We came to his car and he didn't even bother to open doors for me as he usually does. Do I really annoy him that much?

,, Felix, stop standing there and get into the car. We dont have time for this. " he didn't even look at me. I felt like we didn't even know each other anymore.

,, Yeah.. okay," obviously you don't have time for my annoying ass, i wanted to say something but I held it back because I didn't want to cause a drama.

,, Where do you want to go? " he asked focusing on the road.

,, Just drop me home, " I mummbled and looked out of the window. We stopped on he traffic lights.

,,Hey, aren't we supposed to go on the dinner?" I could feel his stare on me.

,, Well, we were but suddenly, im not feeling well..drop me home. thanks." when we started moving again I looked on him for a brief second to see his reaction, but his face was blank and I couldn't read any of his emotions.

,, Did something happened?" he asked with growing curiosity in his voice.

,, No I'm just a bit tired, I didn't sleep that well. My sofa is kinda uncomfortable. i was also not feeling very well and i think its coming back." lies, lies, only lies. I basically slept on him and it was the most comfortable sleep in my life. i also felt way better.

,, You're not. And even if you were it wasn't because of the sofa, you slept on me, honey " my heart jumped a little on the pet name he named me.

,, So now tell me, what's wrong."

,, Nothing, " I mumbled. I thought Changbin was going to ask me this till I won't answer, but for this ride he kept silent.

We arrived to my block of flats. as soon as he stopped i opened the door, got out of the car and hurried up to the door. I didn't want Changbin to follow me, but I guess God is not on my side today. Changbin quickly followed me and when I was about to close the front door he stopped me with his foot. I didn't want to hurt him so the only option I got was to let him in.

,,please, leave me alone" i raised my voice and quickly ran to my bedroom, locking the door behind me so he wouldn't be able to enter.

tears started rolling down my cheeks. what's happening? why am i crying? im not even hurt...why am i feeling like this? he didnt even mean it..whats wrong..??

,, Felix.. hey!! " he knocked on the door,

,, Open the damn door." I remained silent as i sat on the floor in front of my bed.

,, Felix..whats wrong? Did I say something and and it upset you? why are you acting like this?"

,,ill have to break this fucking door if you won't open it" I still didn't answer and I curled up into a ball. I didn't hear him say anything more. after a few minutes i heard he was messing with the door locks. He is never going to open that like this.

( psa: i just realized how cringe this is? idk why we made a big thing out of that. sorry if it made you confused lol we just needed a twist ok 😥

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