O6: How/Where They Propose To You.

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Before we begin: Decided to make this preference into a "What Would You Do" Or an interactive type of preference. Let me know if you like it or not. If it's a positive reaction, then I might do more for my preference books. Anywhore, onto the story. Also it's 3 am, I'm not editing shit mk?

Mark: Dance Studio
You received a text from Mark asking you to come down to one of JYP's dance studios to see if this dance routine was okay or not. You walked to where all of the studios were and noticed they were all dark. You looked around lost before feeling someone tap your shoulder. You jumped in surprise and turned around seeing Youngjae. He laughed at your reaction, "Mark hyung, told me to tell you where he was." You giggled and nodded as you followed to one of the doors that had no lights on. 'What the hell? Who dances in the dark?' You thought to yourself. Before you could think anymore, Youngjae opened the door for you and gently pushed you inside before closing the door behind you. "Youngjae! It's dark in here, Mark isn't in here you punk!" Youngjae laughed at you and then you started hearing soft music play and the lights slowly come on. You noticed writing on the mirrors that had reasons why he loved you and huge writing saying: "please say yes." As you looked at the writing, you heard the song "Marry Me" by Train start to play and you started to feel tears come to your eyes. "Baby," you heard Mark call out. You turned to him and saw tears in his eyes as well. "Baby.. come here." You followed his instructions and when you got in front of him he got down on one knee. You covered your mouth and he chuckled. "Baby, my sweet sweet Y/N, I love you more than words can ever say. You complete me and make me want to be a better man. Y/F/N, will you please make me the luckiest man in the world and Marry Me?"

Is your answer yes or no?

Jaebum: At Home
You had come home after a rough day at work. You had no idea people could ever be just so nasty. All you wanted to do was eat spoonfuls of cake batter and sleep for a decade. You grabbed your keys and opened the door, as you walked in, You smelt something glorious. "Mmm" you moaned softly. The smell was everything you could have wanted to smell. It was perfection. Pasta? Smells like pasta. You made your way to the smell and saw your beefcake of a daddy, aka your boyfriend, aka Jaebum, taking garlic bread out of the oven. "Welcome home baby," he said with a smile. You couldn't help but smile back. "Baby this smells so good." You sat your purse down and stared at the table. It was set, there were candles, your favorite flowers, it was all perfect. "What's the occasion?" You asked while you unzipped your jacket. "What? A boyfriend can't cook and spoil his queen every once and awhile?" You giggled and walked over to him and gave him a kiss. "I'm just surprised, it was such a Hell day at work and coming home to this was just... oh my god." He rubbed your back, "I'm sorry it was a bad day, I hope this will make it better." "Already has to be honest." You both giggled as you made your way to the table. He pulled out a chair for you and you sat down and thanked him. After he sat down you both clinked your glasses and took a sip. After eating dinner he scooted his chair closer to you and refilled both of your glasses. "I love you, Y/N." "I love you too, Jae." "Enough to marry me?" You smiled a bit, marrying him was something you would love to do. You've wanted to be the Mrs. Im ever since you saw him. "Of course I love you enough to marry you, silly goose." "Soo.. "he then sunk down on the ground on one knee. "Does that mean you will?"

Is your answer yes or no?

Jackson: At A Concert
Jackson and you had a very public relationship. It was outed by the infamous dispatch and ever since than, you both thought 'fuck it' and continued what you were doing. Surprisingly, his fans were very supportive of y'all's relationship which made you both so thankful. Today you were supporting your boyfriend and his group Got7 at a concert of there's in Seoul. He kept glancing at you and giggling every time because you just made him so happy. You were his good luck charm. They finished up their song Miracle and Jackson than spoke to the audience, "you guys still having fun? Yeah? Wanna meet someone I think is a miracle?" His fans cheered and started chanting your name along with you and Jackson's ship name. Mark ran over to where you were and grabbed your hand even though you protested. All seven of them may be used to many of people and being on stage but oh hunny you weren't. "It's Jackson. Just look at Jackson and you will be okay." Mark assured you. He led you to Jackson and Jackson embraced you causing the audience to cheer and awe. "Hello, my miracle. I have a question for you and only you can answer." You nodded, waiting for him to speak. You then felt a microphone in front of your face and looked to your side and saw it was Yugyeom causing you to giggle into the mic causing some awes and "how cute"'s in the audience. "Baby," Jackson started, "we've been dating for over a year now and have been public for about five months now and I've enjoyed every millisecond of it. Will you please..." he got down on one knee causing everyone in the crowd to scream, "be my wife. It will be a miracle."

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