14: When They Leave You On Tour

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Mark actually would stop by your house before he left for tour. When he came over he brought over a bouquet of flowers and two hoodies that smelled like him. 'I love you, baby' he would say causing you to smile and smell the flowers. 'I love you, more.' He would shake his head as he set the flowers and hoodies to the side and pulled you in for a kiss.

Before he leaves, he reassures you, and also himself, that you both will reunite a lot sooner than you both think. Even with the reassurance, you both were filled with a million and fifty seven emotions. You went with him to the airport and as his flight was called you wrapped your arms around him. This time, you were the one reassuring him that he would be home before her knew it. 'Now go have fun, my favorite idol.'

He would be with you for as long as he could before he had to leave leave. He would hold you as he would try to convince management that you should come because you were his lucky charm. You giggled as he was acting silly. However, when the flight was officially called, the atmosphere changed and you but got sad. You gave him a big hug and kiss on the cheek. 'You missed' He would mumble into your hair. You smiled and kissed him. When you both pulled away, you both saw a tear was trailing down your cheek. You both laughed as you wipe each other's tears and give a quick peck before Jaebum pulls him by the shirt apologizing to you.

He puts off the vibe that he is someone who doesn't give a shit about anything but I feel like when it comes down to you, he gives hella shits. (Does that sound weird?) Anywhore, he would hug you and kiss your forehead and the top of your head a bit. You both wanted to be strong for one another. Yet, when you couldn't see, there were tears in the brim of his eyes.

I feel like he would be very very clingy and hug you a lot and tightly. You both would also give one another pecks. You also would do "I love you" battles and remind one another that you both loved one another as you rocked back and forth when hugging.

Aww, he would be super sweet before he left. Even tho leaving you would suck so much, he knew it was his job and he didn't want iGOT7 to be disappointed in him. He would give you a bunch of butterfly kisses and hug you tightly. He would run his fingers through your hair while begging you not to cry and reminding you that he loved you so much.

He would act super cute before he left for tour. He would kiss you all over your face and joke around with you you before he left. He didn't want to make any sad memories before he left. He wants to remember you smiling and laughing, instead of being remorseful and sad before he left.

This was cute and sad. Sorry y'all lmfaooo.
Did you have a fave preference? Mine was Mark's or Yugyeom's. Everyone else made me emo or sucked ass. Mk have a good day, night, morning, afternoon kids.

Upcoming Preferences:
• Their Reaction To You Dying
• What You Do At The Fair
• Song Preference // I hate you, I love you by gnash and Olivia (whatever her last name is.)

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