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Third Person POV:

That night, Jungkook couldn't sleep. His mind was filled with with thoughts surrounding you. He held the bracelet that he found and played it with his fingers. That bracelet. He knew he saw that somewhere. But it belonged to you. What does that mean ?

His mind was filled with unanswered questions. He thought back about the incident that happened in the convenience store. He thought back about what you said to him.

I'm Song Eun Jo, the girl you used to be in love with

Eunjo? What's our history together ? He thought hard as your words kept replaying in his head.

This overthinking was making him have a bigger migraine but he didn't care. He wanted to know who are you. What did you mean by him being in love with you ?

He groaned in frustration. You're the only person that was messing with his head. He knew he needed answers and the only person that can give him answers was you.

Suddenly his phone beeped, cutting off his train of thoughts.

It was a message from his private Detective that he had hired.

*text message*
PD: found out some things about Eunjo like you requested.
She works in a flower shop called Smeraldo Address: XXXXX
Her home address XXXx street 21
I also found something more interesting about her. Meet me tomorrow at Bangtan Cafe at 2pm and I'll show you.

Speak of the Devil.

Ill find out who you are Song Eunjo. He thought.


Jungkook sat on the cafe, while tapping his fingers on the table impatiently. He was waiting for the PD to meet him.

A slender male figure wearing sunglasses walked towards him and asked if he was Jungkook. Jungkook nodded and the male figure sat down infront of him.

"I'm your PD" he said as he extended his hand to shake Jungkook's . They both shook hands

A waitress suddenly approached them, asking them for any orders. Jungkook ordered a Americano and the PD ordered a Latte. After she left with their orders, they started discussing.

"So, what did you find out?"

the PD took out a newspaper from his messenger bag. Not the recent newspaper though. It's a newspaper dated 3 years ago.

"Eunjo, she's one unlucky woman," the PD shooked his head as he placed the newspaper infront of Jungkook.

"What do you mean ?"

"Well, 3 years ago, she appeared in the news, because of an unfortunate incident"

"What happen?"

The PD showed him the tall bold headlines,

Acid Was Thrown To a 20-year old Girl's Face

Jungkook's eyes widened as he read the headline.

Who would do such a thing ? He thought.

Little did he know.

"Did they find out who did it?" He sighed.

"Unfortunately he got away and she didn't want to report him to the police,"


"Not sure" he shook his head.

"Is that all the information you got on her?"

"Yeah, but I'll try finding out if there's anything else"

"Okay thankyou, keep me updated please," Jungkook stood up and shook his hands.

They both parted ways.

When Jungkook left, he hailed a cab to send him home.

When he reached his beautiful mansion, he was welcomed by his butler who bowed to him. He bowed back to him.

Since he had the day off due to his migraine, he decided to relax and eventually had a short 2 hour nap.

Later that night

"Mr Jeon, this came in the mail for you" the butler told him when he saw Jungkook coming down the stairs with his pajamas on.

"Mail?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows as the butler passed him a big A4 sized brown letter mail. Jungkook thanked his butler and went upstairs to his room.

He unsealed the brown letter and took out the contents. They were pictures. Not any random pictures. Jungkook scanned through those pictures, feeling quite confused.

They were pictures of him and a girl. The first picture was him was smiling to the camera while putting his arms around her.
The second picture was him kissing the same girl on the cheeks.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He didn't remember taking those pics? Since when did he took those pictures?

At the back of the photos, there was a small letter. He opened it to read it.

Mr Jeon
You and Song Eunjo used to date years ago. Before her acid attack

Jungkook couldn't believe what he was reading. He dropped that note on the floor. As he stared back at those pictures, they triggered memories of you and him together.

He was finally regaining his memories.

His memories zoomed past his mind. The were still quite blurry in shirts mind but he finally remembered you. He recalled your laugh, he recalled your cute laughter, he recalled the day when you celebrated your birthday and you were smiling happily. Your sweet voice played in his head.
Your sweet laughter played in his head.

"Jungkook, Jagi, I love you"

His heart started beating faster and he could feel sweat trickling down his forehead. His migraine worsened as now he felt as if someone was continuously shooting a bullet through his forehead. His breathing quickened and his vision became blurry.

Too many memories were coming back to him. He couldn't take it.

He was having a panic Attack.

The last voice he had recalled from you was

'I hate you Jungkook! I hope you rot in hell"

Authors Note:

Lmao this is a short chapter but I hope it was interesting! Jungkook finally regained back his memories of him dating Eunjo. What do y'all think will happen on the next chapter? 👀👀

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