Confused by his words, I stay still and watch him take a seat across from me. "Did you think I wouldn't find out that you slept with Liam? Hm," he asks me and my eyes grow wide. He leans closer to me and rests his elbows on his knees. "Perhaps, you also thought I wouldn't remember your overreaction that night at the club." "What are you talking about?" I ask trembling slightly.

He chuckles at me and leans back in his chair. "What? You don't remember me? I was the one trying to dance with you after you practically fucked Liam on the dance floor," he shouts at me and I jerk in my chair. He grabs me by my jaw and forces me to look at him to inform me. "If it wasn't for that atrocious freak growing inside of you, I'd be fucking you and teaching you lesson after lesson."

At his words, I feel the pit of my stomach sink, and I can't help the hurling sensation growing within. "You're the guy Liam's been trying to hide me from?" I ask with tears forming in my eyes and he sighs. "Oh. He wasn't the only one. His best friend, Kyle, too. You know him. He's the one you nearly fucked as well," he says as he pulls out his mobile from his trousers. "Yeah. I have photos right here. When I called you a fucking whore... I meant it," he tells me and then shows me the cell.

He actually has photos of Kyle & I. Before I can ask how he got those photos, he swipes a few time and then shows me the cell once more. "Here's a video of what Liam did after he left your flat that night. In it, it shows Liam shagging another girl. I believe you've met her. She was the girl he fucked after having taken your virginity. Wanna watch it with me?" he asks ever so cynically and a tear escapes my eye.

I shake my head at him and he frowns. "But where's the fun in that?" he asks and plays the video in a raised volume. I look away as tears keep falling down my face as the words "master," "yes," and "harder" blast through the mobile's speaker in heavy grunts. "Ooh. This right here is my favourite part," Francis tells me and forces me to watch. It hurts me to watch the father of my child shag another woman, but I can't stop him. He was never tied down to me, nor I to him.

After the video ends, Mr Jackson puts the mobile back in his pocket and let's go of my face. He looks at me with pity and eggs on, "Surely you didn't think he'd change his ways for you. I mean, you're just someone to shag. Fuck senseless even, but not someone to love." Something in me breaks and I begin to sob. "Tuh. Tuh. Tuh," Francis says as he dries my eyes, but it's of no use. Tears keep falling out and his touch makes me cower away from him.

"Don't cry. Liam will be here soon, and he's already seen what I've shown you." I look at him with disgust and dry sobs leave me. Francis fucking Jackson sighs once more, before capturing my face with both hands and inching towards me. "Before Liam comes and plays hero. I want to make sure that he remembers me," he spits before smashing his lips against mine. He pulls away only to bite my chin as he glides his hands down my body.

I'm frozen in disgust and he reconnects his lips with mine. I shake my head as much as I can to make this difficult for him and he retaliates. He stops kissing me and let's go of me. "You really shouldn't have done that," he smiles down at me and I spit at him. Literally. He laughs at me before slapping me in the face. "You shouldn't have disrespected me. Now that child will never  see daylight."

"You wouldn't dare," I hiss at him in both fear and spite. "Watch me," he says and snaps his fingers. Instantly, the door is thrown open and the men from the remise pop out. They walk towards me and I look at them anxiously. "Do you honestly think I give a fuck about an unborn child? Much less, Liam's only chance at a family? HA!" Jackson taunts and turns around to walk out. "By the way, the name's Erick. Erick Williams, and I'll be coming for you again soon."

I watch as his figure starts nearing the door and his men cover my view of him. "Have at her," he calls out as he exits the room and closes the door. I look back at the men around me in fear and I notice how stoic their faces are. The one in front of me is the officer from the office. To my right, lies the passenger, and to my left, the driver. The officer nods his head at the two of them and they grab ahold of my shoulders with extreme force.

Before I realise what's happening, the officer collides his fist against my stomach and I struggle to breathe. Another fist collides with my chest and I try to protect my core, but fail as the other two men held me back. Fist after fist smash against my stomach, until I eventually cough up blood. I don't even notice myself falling to the side until I collide with the ground. The officer looks down at me as if I belonged in the bin, and walks out.

The other two men remain in the room with me. The ginger props his arms against a wall and begins to kick my stomach. I spit out more blood as my vision turns hazy. With only a few kicks in, he fixes his suit and signals his colleague to follow him. They begin to walk away, but not before the driver spits on me.

I lay on the ground defenceless, in despair, and holding onto a fragile thread called life. It feels as if hours have passed before help comes my way. My eyes flutter as I see a figure approaching my beaten, bloody self. I think I hear a name being called, but I can't be sure as my consciousness slips, and I drift into darkness.



We'll find out as the story progresses.

Till next time. Sleep Well & Read On!

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