'Oh my God, she's inviting him to the ball! Why is she inviting him?' Caroline exclaimed.

'Probably to get this reaction from us,' said Elena.

'Or maybe she actually likes him?' I offered, earning frowns from both girls. 'Well, she is still a girl. Despite being a really old one...So, maybe she does like him.'

Caroline scoffed as she rolled her eyes. 'What time is this stupid dance anyway?'

'Seven,' Elena said, downing the rest of her drink.

'Great. That means we have five hours to find a dress, two hours to get ready.' Caroline stood up with a serious face. 'So? Are you guys coming or not?'

'Actually, Andy and I already have dresses-'

'We'll come!' I said, already taking off my apron and pulling Elena from her chair.

'Andy, aren't you meant to be working now?' Elena asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

'Yeah but this is way more important! Caroline has to look amazing!' I said with a smile. 'And what kind of friends would we be if we didn't help her?'

Elena stared at me for a few seconds, trying to figure out why I was so eager to go aside from the fact that I was a slacker. 'Alright. Car, we'll meet you outside. I'll help Andy get off her shift,' she said, smiling at Caroline as she walked off before turning to me. 'So. Want to explain to me why you're so eager to leave all of a sudden?'

'I just thought it would be a good way to really get to know you guys,' I said with a smile. Even as I was speaking, I knew there was no way Elena would believe me. I sighed as I looked back at the bar to see Kol with his back to us, though I knew he could still hear us despite being halfway across the Grill. 'I really can't be bothered to work today, Elena! Come on, please?' I begged.

Elena continued to stare at me for what felt like years before she smiled. 'That's all you had to say. Go and get your stuff. We'll wait for you outside.'

I gave her a small smile before walking back to the bar with a smug look on my face. 'Well, looks like your pleasurable company was short lived,' I said with a smile as I switched my apron for my bag under the bar. 'We'll have to do this again in like...a million years. Hope you like your drink,' I finished, gesturing to the still untouched glass of vervain and whiskey.

'That's alright, love. I know you'll miss me till tonight but distance makes the heart grow fonder,' he said with a smirk.

'Yeah, if you have one...' I mumbled though inwardly cursing at the reminder that he could hear it. I looked up to see that Kol's smirk had faltered though only a bit.

'Until tonight, my love,' he said as he stood up from his bar stool to turn away but suddenly turned back giving me a serious look. 'For future reference; vampires can smell vervain in drinks,' he said, picking up the glass. I suddenly felt a pang of fear go through me as his eyes bore into mine. 'And another thing...' He tipped the glass back and gave me a cruel smile before slamming the glass back onto the bar with force that could have shattered bone. 'Being an Original vampire means that vervain doesn't work on us unless you have a large amount.'

I watched as he strolled out of the door and into the bright Virginian sun. I looked down at the glass and saw that he had left two hundred dollar bills. At first, I was surprised and slightly happy but then I remembered that it was Kol who had left them which meant that, knowing who he was, he probably left them there for another reason than simply paying me for the drink. That seemed to be the problem with Kol; he was always up to something.


'I'm now very thankful that I did not live in the era when these dresses were compulsory!' I moaned as I pulled at the sea blue dress. Yes, it was amazing and I felt like I princess but I also felt like a dying princess, especially with the shoes I was wearing.

'Look, we have a long night ahead of us. There's no point in starting it badly,' sighed Elena as we walked up from Alaric's car to the Mikaelson's house; the sound of the music audible despite being outside.

'Says the girl who disobeyed the Salvatore's when they said that they wanted you nowhere near this house?' I asked with a grin.

Elena sighed. 'They can't control what I do. It might be in their best interests to keep me out of it but I have to meet with Ester. She might not be so bad.'

'This is the mother of Klaus, Elena,' I said, wrapping my black shawl tighter across me. 'That plus the fact that she's the Original witch means that she is worse than bad.'

On reaching the doors, Elena took hold of my hand and gave me a reassuring smile. 'It's going to be okay. You and I can do this,' she said as she pulled me along to the big front doors of the mansion which swung open as we approached them.

The entire foyer was filled with people in tuxes and gowns, laughing and drinking as they admired the grand spiral staircase. As two men in what I assumed was butler uniforms took our shawls, Elena and I looked round the room for anyone we knew. Suddenly, Elena turned to me with a look of horror in her eyes. 'I completely forgot! This was where you were taken to the other day!'

'Really? I hadn't noticed,' I said sarcastically before grabbing a glass from a waiter passing by.

'Sorry,' Elena said sheepishly. 'If this is going to be uncomfortable, then maybe you should head home.'

'I'm dressed now,' I said as I took a large gulp from my drink. 'No point in going back.' I let my eyes glance round the room till they landed on a brooding dark haired man storming towards us. 'Uh oh. Salvatore at twelve o'clock. Not good!'

Elena looked and saw Damon walking towards us. Her eyes widened but, just before he emerged from the sea of people, Elena pushed me away. As I looked back, I saw her arguing with Damon, immediately thanking her in my head for getting me out of the way in time.

I was taking another long sip from my glass when I felt someone close behind me. 'I must say, you look exquisite, Miss Nightingale.'

Hey guys - sorry for the short chapter! The next one will be longer!

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Much love <3

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