Chapter 12- The Dancer and The Questions Answered

Start from the beginning

"I don't know..." Lacey trails off. 

"Do you like him?" I ask her. 

"Well...not entirely. He acts like a jerk, but then at other times he's saying something totally sweet and then he acts all adorable and it confuses me!" She throws her hands up. 

"It's because he doesn't know how to act around you," Megan says. 

"What?" Lacey raises her eyebrow. Ah, sometimes this girl was too oblivious. 

"It's a classic boy maneuver. He acts like a jerk because he's too scared to show his real emotions. Think about it." Megan states while blowing, on one hand, to let her nails dry quicker. We all sit there to think about Megan's wise words. 

"No, I don't see it." Lacey finally says and I resist the urge to smack myself on the forehead. 

All in due time. 

"Okay moving on! What's going on with you and that hot teacher!" Megan exclaims and I almost choke off of the nail polish fumes and my own saliva. 

"What!?" I defend myself immediately which was a huge mistake because now it seemed as if I had something to hide. 

"You know exactly what I am talking about. You too stare at each other as if you want to run off into the sunset and elope together!" Megan wiggles her eyebrows and I look at her in complete horror. I look at Lacey for help and she just shrugs her shoulders. 

"I don't think that it's as dramatic as what Megan is making it out to be, but I do think that there is something weird between your guys' interactions. I mean I'm close with some of my teachers, but not like that." Lacey says. 

"You guys crack jokes all the time at each other and it kind of looks like flirting," Lacey adds on. 

"I have no idea what any of you are talking about. Mr. Conrad is just an easy person to talk to. He's a chill teacher and he also jokes with you guys too." I try to reason with them. 

"But not in the same way. Sure he makes jokes with the class, but your guys' jokes seem a lot more personal. It's like it's an... inside joke or something." Megan observes. 

"Well... I do see him at the cafe on a regular basis." I almost whisper. Lacey lets out a huge gasp and Megan throws her hands up into the air. 

"See!? I told you something weird was going on." Megan says to Lacey and Lacey nods in confirmation. 

"Okay guys, yes I thought it was weird at first too, but he honestly just goes there at the same time that I end rehearsal," I say. 

"Oh my goodness! what if he's stalking Sophie? He must have been looking at you from a mile away!" Megan goes off. 

"No! It's not like that at all. I called him out for that as well and he said that it was just a coincidence." I shake my head at Megan's ridiculousness. 

"All that I'm saying is to watch your back. I've watched way too many crime shows and documentaries to not find this whole thing fishy." Megan gives me a look. Meanwhile, Lacey is just chuckling while continuing to paint her nails. 

"The only way to find out if he fancies her or if he's just a creep is to wait until class tomorrow and to see if he goes up to her at all." Lacey says and Megan gives her a look saying 'what on earth are you talking about'.

"What I mean is that if he goes up to her in class and she refuses to make eye contact or engage in any banter, then that means that he's drawn to you." Lacey further explains. 

"Mmmh, that actually makes sense," Megan says. 

"But what if he asks me a question about the homework?" I ask to maybe spoil their bogus plan. 

"Sophie honey, don't play dumb with us. If he mentions anything besides the homework or class related stuff, then that means he likes you." Megan smirks. 

"You guys are absolutely ridiculous." I shake my head. 

"No, what's ridiculous is that this teacher might be a creepy killer trying to get you into the back of his red pick up truck." She says and Lacey rolls her eyes. 

I probably shouldn't mention that he actually drives a silver Lexus.

 "He's not a killer. But he does fancy her; if only an attractive teacher fancied me." Lacey says and Megan playfully pushes her. 

"Lacey shut up! You are literally living a live version of the vampire diaries!" Lacey blushes as we all laugh at Megans truthful words. 

Ugh, I was so not looking forward to class tomorrow. 

"Facial mask time!" Megan hollars and I instantly smile. Regardless of how my stomach turned at the mention of our teacher, I was going to have to forget all of that for some fun time for tonight.


Alright guys this chapter was a little on the shorter side, but filled with juicy gossip ;). It's always fun to write the three girls' conversations. Tell me what you guys thought of this chapter and of the story so far and make sure to, 





Sincerely, Cherryapples1232 💕

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