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Her eyelids fly up as she looks around at where she's at.

"Hey." I softly say, standing up to grab her pills.

I take out two and the glass of water handing it to her.

"What do you want?" She asks rudely looking the other way.

"Ester, the doctor said that you can't be out of sight. I have to take care of you to see if you have taken your medications and -"

"Yeah? Well, I don't need your help."

I slam the pills down the night stand and the cup going around her as I'm done with her attitude.

"Look, Ester, if I have to take those pills and forcefully shove them up your big, fat mouth, I will. Now you will listen to whatever I tell you and you will obey me because I'm done with you always having an attitude with me. I don't care if you spit at me, hate me for something so small that didn't have to involve infidelity between our relationship, but I will be here every time and every hour watching you and you will listen to whatever I say, do you understand?" I grit through every word I said, pointing at her face.

She looks at me wide eyed with eyebrows furrowed together, blinking many times as she gulps down.

"Where's the medicine?" Her voice comes out soft as I take it as a 'yes' to what I just told her.


The ride here was silent, and Ester didn't even turn away from her window ever since we drove out of her house.

I know I might've scared her with my voice raised at her but she has to know that I'm not going to be calm and ask her to stop yelling at me or talk about it because it's my turn to let her know who runs this relationship as well.

I take my seatbelt off, and get out of the car as she does as well.

I feel her behind me walking with fear in coming in here but it's for her own good.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The lady asks me.

"Yeah, I have an appointment for Ester Valverde." I tell her as she hands me a clipboard and papers to fill in.

Throughout the wait, Ester dares not to look at me for once. Her head is hanged low looking at the floor while she fiddles with the hem of her shirt.

I want to say something to her but I handle myself in not to.

"Mrs. Ester Valverde." A young woman next to the open door calls out.

"Come on." All I say following behind Ester, as she's following the woman enter a small room.

"The doctor will be right up with you in a moment." She says smiling warmly at us before closing the door.

The silence in here is extremely uncomfortable. I wipe my hands on my jeans while looking around the room and lastly to Ester.

Even if she's not wearing makeup right now or not dressed casual like she always is, she still looks beautiful.

The doctor comes right in with a bagel in her hand, excusing herself.

She then grabs her clipboard and Ester's information, and sits down across from us.

"So, Ester, it's nice to meet you." She says smiling at her.

Ester keeps a blank face saying nothing.

"Alright then...let's see what we got here...okay! So, Ester, would you like to tell me what's bringing you up here?" She asks Ester.

pacify her 2 - n.m - completed Where stories live. Discover now