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ester +

"What do you want?" I ask her looking at her disgusted.


Regina and I both look at him to see who he was talking to.

"Yes, baby?" I tell him sweetly.

"'Mom'? Are you really being serious? I'm your mother, not this trashy girl who stole my Nate and now my kid."

"She's not your kid anymore, Regina. If he was your kid, you wouldn't have treated him like you did back then." I step in front of her and poke my finger at her chest.

"Don't touch me or-"

"Or what!" I buff my chest out and stand taller while she does the same and glares at me.

"Don't forget what happened back in high school. You don't want your face messed up now that you're famous and the whole world will look at you." I say going up to her face as she steps back while stumbling on her high heels.

"Ester!" I hear Nate call from behind.

"Ester. Ester, what happened? Why are you fighting with a stranger?" He doesn't see who I'm fighting with until he comes closer to me and grabs my waist and backs me up.

"Regina?" He asks as he steps in front of me.

Regina starts to give him a smirk and begins to twirl her hair tips.

"Hello, Nate. Miss me still?" She winks at him staring at his body and licks her lips.

Still? What does she mean 'still'?

Did he call her while we were together and tell her how much he misses her? I hope not.

"Regina, please. Why would I miss you after all the things you have done to me?"

"Oh come on, you know you want this." She points to her body and down.

"Okay, just stop it Regina! You already had him for years and now it's my turn too." I push Nate back as she looks at me up and down and stops biting her lips as she grabs her luggage and walks off.

Before she leaves, she stops and turns around. "Oh and Nate, if you still need me..." she stops to look at me chuckling, "you know what to do." And with that she leaves off by swaying her hips so that Nate can make himself want more of her.

I glare at him as he looks at her walk off, shaking his head.

He turns to me and I just shake my head while I grab my luggage out of his hand and take Carlitos, holding his hand.

"Ester, hold up!"


"Ester, wait! Let's talk about this." I kick open the hotel door and leave my luggage at the entrance of the door.

I run to the bathroom and try to close the door but he puts his foot on the door and tries to open it but I push with all my strength.

"Nate, get out!" I shout as I still push the door but with his strong strength, he pushes even more towards me.

"Ester please! Im not going to lose you again! Just let me talk." He says grunting to get through.

I grunt as well and use my whole strength but he manages to win me.

I finally give up after we argue while we push the door back and forth, and step back to face the shower curtain.

pacify her 2 - n.m - completed Where stories live. Discover now