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"Carlitos, lets go!" I shout out to Carlitos as he hooks his book bag over his shoulders.

He runs down the stairs, and catches up with me while I close the door of the house and he runs to my car, getting in.

"Alright, you ready, baby?" I ask him as I turn on the engine and back out to drop him off at his school.

"Mommy, can we get McDonald's on the way there?" He asks as I look at him on the rear view mirror.

"Sure, baby."


"Alright, sweetie, we're here." I help him off the car and take his hand, leading the way to school and to the main door where the principal greets our kids.

"Bye, sweetheart. I'll come and pick you up later, okay?" I ask leaning down to his height, tying his shoelaces.

"Good morning, Carlitos. How are you today?" The principal walks up to us, and looks down at him then at me.

"Good." Carlitos says shyly holding onto the straps of his backpack.

"How are you, Ms. Valverde?" She asks me.

"I'm fine, thank you." I answer back.

"Good, good. Well, Carlitos let's head in for breakfast. We have cinnamon rolls." She says to him as his eyes light up of happiness.

"Yeah! Bye mom! I love you." He gives me one last hug and runs in with the rest of the kids as he's stopped by one of his friends.

I smile at the view until he's no longer in sight.


I arrive back home alone since Nate is at his studio, and probably won't come back till tomorrow, and the rest of my friends are busy doing their own thing.

I throw my bag on the bed and rub my temples.

I lay down in bed letting my whole body rest.

As soon as I'm about to sleep, my phone buzzes and wakes me up.

I turn it over and see a news notification from TMZ.

'Could it be? Again? Nate 'Skate' Maloley and Regina Harts seen in the cafe in Sunset Blvd.'

I sit up forward, taking a double glance at it.

"What? No, this can't be happening." I tell myself.

I click on the link and read through the article and lastly pictures of them sitting at a cafe, like if they're discussing things.

Anger boils in me, and I throw the phone to the wall as I hear it crack.

My hot tears begin to fall down from eyes as I walk back and forth.

This can't be happening. He couldn't have. Why is he starting like this again? Everything was going fine and now he's being to the man that I once lived with and left just because of his immaturity. I'm tired of this.

He really thinks that he wouldn't be caught at all without me noticing from the news and all those other articles? And he left me to go all the way to California?

I need something to calm me down. I'm sick and tired of myself always feeling like this. Down and lonely. I need some company.

I pace to the basement and walk inside the mini-bar taking out Jack Daniel's under the counter and a glass filling it with ice.

I pour the liquid down my mouth and let it consume my whole body as I'm done with everything and everyone.


pacify her 2 - n.m - completed Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora