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"She played with the both of us..."

ester +

4:56 AM

During my sleep in dreaming of ice cream and fries, I am interrupted by a knock on my bedroom door.

I lazily get up, groaning and scratching my head while walking towards the door.

"Yes?" I ask, Sandra my maid who's in her gown and her hair curled up with curling rolls.

"I'm so sorry to wake you up this late night but someone is here asking for you." She says, pointing down the hall.

I nod confusely thanking her and sending her off to sleep.

I walk down the steps, and see...

Carlitos and...Nate? In my house? At this night?

Didn't they leave just yesterday evening?

I rub my eyes to see them more clearly, and then feel Carlitos hug me on my legs.

"Ester! We're back!" He yells, making the hall echo.

"Hi! It's good to see you again!" I mess his hair up as he lets go of me.

I look up to Nate, who's staring at the both of us, and he gives me a semi-happy expression by giving me a slipped-smile.

"Nate." I say while looking up and down at Carlitos, then back to Nate.

"Uh...Carlitos, why don't you take your stuff up to my room and you can turn on the TV?" I lean down to him giving him directions to where my room it's at.

After he grabs his little backbag and skipping down the flight of stairs, I turn to Nate and he doesn't look at me. Instead he looks at the ground. I can tell that he might feel embarrassed that he came here to disturb my night but in reality, I'm so glad that he's here.

"It's okay, Nate. What happened?" I speak up leading him to the living room.

He sits down on the other side of the couch where I'm across from him as well, and rubs his hand.

"Regina. And if you're wondering why I'm here instead of the guy's, they're out of town for a few photo shoots of each of them so I don't know how long they will be back."

"I don't mind. Now, what did she do?" I ask wanting to know because I want to help him.

He sighs before speaking, "Once we got home, she started yelling and babbling about us not being in the house and other stuff. Then it turned to her yelling at Carlitos when he asked her to help him with his homework but she began freaking out on him. I couldn't handle that tolerance of her and seeing her say negative stuff to him in front of his face while he cried, so I told her that I'm not going to come back and I'm gonna take full custody of him. I had no other choice but to come here, and I was planning on staying with the guys until they texted me saying that they were out after I told them what happened.

So...now I'm here. Sorry if I woke you up. It's too cold to be out and sleep in the car. But once they come back, I'll be out of here in no time."

"It's okay, Nate. You can stay here whenever you want to till you figure things out by taking things slow. Don't rush. And I'm sorry for what happened. Really."

He keeps quiet and looks down at the floor taking in deep breaths and letting them out.

"Carlito's doesn't deserve this." I shoot my head up to understand more clearly in what he's talking about.

"I wish he had parents much better who will take really good care of him, have two parents in loving him everyday non-stop, have both of his parents walk him to school, and two parents who will never fight in front of him or behind him. I'm a terrible father. He doesn't deserve me at all. I didn't want him to be in a situation like this where he sees what life really is."

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