Chapter 23

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Picture of Tyrant above is by StarWolfLegacy thank you again for this! :D

Bright dawn light streamed in the den, shining directly on Rascal's face. It woke him up, he opened his eyes and instantly squinted. He stretched in the light, warming his muscles under his pure black pelt. He suddenly realized Misty wasn't here.

Must be enjoying the fresh air.

He crawled out and sighed. It felt close to Spring. The air was warm, a cool, not bitter, breeze swept through the Flame Woods camp. And the sun was shining to top it off.

He was brought back to the present when he saw Heather crawl out of her den. The cloudy-gray female didn't even glance in his direction as she made her way to the alpha's den.

Why is she going to Tyrant's den?

Her eyes were cold, hard as stone. Rascal couldn't understand why she hated him so much. He hasn't done anything to make her dislike him. It seemed like nobody could please her.

Brave and Swift tumbled out of the healer's den. They grrred playfully and tugged at each other's ears. They bumped into Rascal and fell back on their little bottoms, never losing their cute smiles.

Rascal nudged them both to their paws. "Having fun?"

They nodded eagerly.

"I won't keep you. Now run along, but be careful." Rascal watched the youngsters scamper off to play.

"Hey Rascal, could you do a favor for me?" Blossom appeared beside him.

"Yeah. Like what?"

"I have some soiled rabbit pelts that need washing. Could you take them to the creek and wash them for me? They're in a small pile at the back of the den."

Rascal shrugged. "Sure. I'll do that as soon as I can."

Blossom's eyes grew grateful. "Thank you. It's hard being a mother and a healer all at once."

Rascal felt sympathy for her.

"I should make sure they don't get in any trouble." Blossom gestured to her pups. "Thanks again, Rascal. I owe you." She trotted off to keep an eye on her young ones.

Rascal shook out his pelt and decided to eat something before doing his duties.

He nosed through the meat of a previous kill and finally settled on the heart. He sat down and chewed contently. It was indeed a nice day. Perhaps he and Misty could take a calming stroll near the creek.

Heather emerged from Tyrant's den, looking sad and annoyed.

The alpha came out behind her and howled for a meeting.

Brave and Swift quit playing when they heard the call. Archie and Alusia padded into the clearing, pelts brushing. Isaac settled beside his mate and pups. Rose, Thunder, and Saphira took their places near the front of the crowd.

Rascal glanced around. Still no sign of Misty. She must've taken a walk to cool her nerves.

He sat beside Melody and Frost, who was in the middle of the gathered group.

Magnus took a position by Heather, gazing out in the crowd with an expressionless face. When his eyes landed on Rascal, they hardened, lips twitching to hold back a scowl.

A Wolf's Tale (Book #2) Shadows of the PastTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang