Chapter 17

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It's been a few days since Stone Hollow Pack's sudden entrance in camp. Tyrant and Howler planned to go to Red Fang Pack and talk with Mystique about the issues of borders. Their second-in-commands would accompany them along with their most trusted and experienced wolves.

Thunder, Melody, Thorn, Oak, and Frost would go along with Isaac and Tyrant. Blossom was in charge until they return. Rascal is supposed to help guard camp.

Misty watched the procession of wolves leave and waved to her cousin as he smiled before disappearing in the forest.

Misty rose to her paws and groaned. Carrying pups sure was difficult. Back pains and unwanted nausea made it worse.

"It will be worth it in the end." She muttered to herself and staggered over to the meat-pile.

The pups were chasing one another around the clearing while some of the adults talked about prey and the weather. Moon and Baron stood at the entrance and guarded it like their lives depended on it. Archie was murmuring something to Alusia, which made her giggle. Misty smiled at the two young wolves.

Rose reprimanded her pups whenever they did something naughty. Her sister, Saphira, gave her a playful nudge.

"Oh come on, Rose! They're pups! Let them have some fun!"

Rose rolled her eyes. "Thunder and I want to teach them manners at a young age so they learn to respect their elders."

Saphira snorted. "Whatever you say, dear sister."

Moondancer was washing and stacking dirty pelts from sick patients. Scrubbing and hanging them up to dry on big boulders.

Misty decided to help Moondancer. "Let me help—"

Moondancer shooed her back. "Oh no you can't! You're expecting pups! These are used pelts from sick wolves. You shouldn't be touching them."

Misty flinched back. "I'm s-sorry."

Moondancer's eyes softened. "I'm sorry I raised my voice. But it's my job to keep you well and healthy."

"No, it's fine. I need to remember I'm not only taking care of myself now. I'm taking care of my pups."

The young healer nodded. "Good. Just come back if you have any questions or discomforts."

Misty dipped her head and turned around. Startled at the scene before her, she began laughing.

Rascal was standing atop Tyrant's den like he was alpha. Chest puffed out, posture tall and proud. He looked like he was about to give out serious orders.

He caught sight of Misty and glanced down at her. Misty could just see his cheeks growing scarlet under his dark fur.

He hopped down and gave his pelt a shake dismissively. "I was left in charge of defense."

"I know that." Misty smiled slyly. "On guard, yes?"

"Of course," Rascal's eyes glinted. "I must be prepared. You know never what may happen."

Misty head-butted his shoulder. "You're doing very well."

"I know," Rascal replied mischievously before strutting away.

Misty snorted with a roll of her eyes. She wandered around in complete boredom. Confined to camp, unable to do too much work.

She spotted Heather, Magnus, and their daughters sitting away from everyone else. Heather was looking at Misty in a strange way. Not anger, but wonder.

Misty met her mother's gaze briefly before turning around and sitting with some of the she-wolves in the Pack.

Heather hasn't bothered her since Misty told her off. The young wolf was proud of herself for standing up against her mother's wrongdoings.

A Wolf's Tale (Book #2) Shadows of the PastWhere stories live. Discover now