Chapter 7

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A gust of wind blew in. Rascal shivered at the icy touch. His back was to the entrance. He shielded Misty from it, so she could get a peaceful sleep.

He honestly wasn't sure what to think of Heather, Magnus, and their daughters.

He didn't like how judgmental Heather had been towards him when she barely even glanced in his direction. She seemed...forgetful. She brushed off the death of her former mate like it was nothing.

The same way she brushed off abandoning Misty...

The thought made Rascal angry. How could anyone just abandon their pup? How could they abandon Misty?

Rascal would never understand Misty's pain. Her brother died, causing her parents to think of her as nothing, then just left her.

Rascal's brothers hated him. They absolutely wanted nothing to do with him. But his parents loved him. His father, Copper, had died when he was a pup.

He was murdered... Tyrant had killed him...

Rascal never gave away Tyrant's terrible secret. Tyrant was a good leader, he led his Pack well. It was no one's business.....This was only between Tyrant and Rascal.

And Rascal's mother, Maple, passed from a terrible illness, just before he was exiled.

Then there was Ella......his sister.


Rascal remembered his promise to her: that he would come back and retrieve her, no matter what.

He felt bad. The Battle of the Full Moon had distracted him completely of going back for Ella.

But she was patient. And Rascal was grateful for her patience.

Rascal had been so deep in thought that he hadn't noticed Misty waking up.

She was staring at him oddly. "You okay?"

Rascal shook his head. "Yeah. I was just thinking."

She nodded. Her eyes floundered to the clearing. Rascal followed her gaze. Heather had just exited her den, gaping her jaws in a huge yawn.

Misty pressed herself to the back of the den, staring out from the shadows. Her fur was bristling and ears flat.

Rascal watched Misty's display of defense. Heather shook her shoulders and paused when Tyrant's meeting howl echoed over the clearing.

Misty looked hesitant. Rascal softly licked her cheek. The she-wolf rose and held her chin high. She walked out with confidence, though she twitched her ears nervously.

Tyrant was waiting patiently for his Pack to gather. Misty sat at the edge of the crowd, putting distance between herself and her mother.

Isaac was standing at his alpha's shoulder. The second-in-command looking stern.

"Yesterday, Isaac led a small group to our extended border. And there were Red Fang wolves waiting for them." Tyrant explained.

Melody snarled and bristled. "I'm getting sick of those wolves! Can't they understand that we were one of the first Packs in this forest?"

Frost jumped up in agreement. "I agree! If they don't stop this nonsense soon, I suggest attacking the heart of their Pack!"

A bunch of wolves hollered in approval. Tyrant's eyes hardened.

"No. I'd like to give them a chance before we rush in. And today, I'll be sure to speak to their alpha. Perhaps we can come to an agreement."

Melody and Frost flattened their ears but didn't protest.

A Wolf's Tale (Book #2) Shadows of the PastWhere stories live. Discover now