Chapter 11

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"Another warning?"

Rascal bent his nose and sniffed the ground as Frost groaned.

Red Fang Pack was slowly inching their border over to Flame Woods Pack. It seemed like almost every time they patrolled the border, the scent mark was closer than before. Tyrant wants to meet with their alpha and see if they can sort things out. But they refuse every time.

Alusia flattened her ears. "This is getting under my skin."

Moon, the leader of the group, raised her head at a bird's call. Her yellow eyes reflected the setting sun. "We just missed them. They were here not long ago."

Frost looked up at the sky. "I'm getting too old for this."

Rascal briefly glanced at the she-wolves. He rolled his eyes and scented the air. A delicious smell met his nose.

"Hey, do you guys smell that?" He asked curiously.

Alusia and Frost took in a sniff. Moon did as well and nodded. "Yeah. Is it.."

"....elk?" Frost perked up, hopeful.

Rascal couldn't ignore the pangs of hunger rippling his stomach. He licked his lips and shifted his paws.

Alusia jumped up on a large boulder to get a view. Her eyes grazed the land, then she stopped and stiffened. "Look!" She flicked her ears up.

Rascal leaped up beside her and stared off into the forest. He couldn't see what she was talking about until a blur of movement caught the corner of his eye.

His jaw almost dropped off his face. Out in the field beyond, was a large, juicy, fat bull elk.

Moon and Frost scrambled up beside them. Their eyes widened at the sight. They glanced at each other in disbelief, and back to the elk.

"Let's do it," Alusia whispered as she slunk off the rock. Rascal followed close behind, Frost and Moon each on a side.

The bare bushes made them vulnerable. So they tried a different approach. They looped around, keeping the elk in sight and made sure that the wind wouldn't change direction on them.

They settled behind some fallen logs and began forming a plan.

"Okay." Moon started. "The two quickest wolves will chase the elk this way. The two stronger ones will wait here and ambush it when it comes over these logs. Which of us is the fastest?"

Alusia stepped forward. "I think you and I are, Moon."

The she-wolf nodded. "Rascal and Frost will make the kill. Get in position."

They all split up and took their spots. Rascal crouched with his belly brushing the ground. He could see Alusia and Moon making their way around the trees. Frost shifted beside him and rustled some leaves.

Moon and Alusia jumped out of the shadows and gave chase. The elk let out a shriek of terror and headed straight for Rascal and Frost.

"Ready?" Frost mouthed.

"Ready." Rascal mouthed back.

It was almost upon them, but it skidded to a halt and yelled in surprise, stumbling the other way.

Rascal and Frost exchanged confused glances. They poked their head out, eyes widening.

Moon was pinned underneath a brown and white male. She bared her fangs in an angry snarl.

And Alusia was surrounded by three wolves. Her fur was bristling and spiked up.

Rascal and Frost leaped up beside the wolves. They surveyed the newcomers with wary eyes.

A Wolf's Tale (Book #2) Shadows of the PastWhere stories live. Discover now