Chapter 22

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Wonderful picture of Jumper above is by StarWolfLegacy who is an amazing artist! Go check out her art book!

It's been two weeks since Misty's terrible fall. She was healing well, but the only thing that still hurt was her right foreleg. She was thankful the pups were okay. What would she do if something happened to them?

Blossom told her it was all right to take a calm walk through the woods. And she was glad to get out and stretch her sore body.

She met her cousin on the way out. He looked like he was just returning.

"Hey Misty."

"Hi, Isaac." She winced when her injured leg brushed the ground.

Isaac's expression tightened in worry. "Are you sure you should be out?"

Misty nodded. "Blossom said it was okay. And I was looking forward to feeling the forest breeze."

"May I join you?"

"Of course." She smiled, happy to have Isaac coming along.

They padded along a worn down path made by their Packmates. Hard compacted dirt under their paws. Bare branches cut across the sky. Gray clouds moving quickly.

Misty couldn't swallow the worry at the back of her mind. "I-Isaac?"


"What's it like? Having pups of your own?"

He was silent before replying. "A lot of work, that's for sure. Blossom and I don't get time to ourselves anymore."

Misty felt her heart thump quicker.

"But," Isaac continued. "You never know the fierce protection until you have pups that are so tiny and defenseless. You just want to hold on to them, and want to take away their pain or fear. So small and innocent." He looked at Misty with a twinkle in his eye. "It's an amazing experience. Raising your pups with the one you love most. Blossom is a wonderful mother, and she is so patient and motherly."

"How did you know what to do?"

"It's just an instinct that kicks in as soon as they're born. Well, Blossom's kicked in a lot faster than mine. But that's how mothers are."

Misty pondered these things quietly. How could you just "know" what to do?

Isaac must've read the expression on her face. "You and Rascal will know automatically. You'll understand when your pups are born."

Misty just couldn't process these words.

I guess I'll know as soon as they're born. She thought in acceptance.

"So," Isaac changed the subject. "Do you two have any names picked out?"

Misty had forgotten about names. "Actually, we haven't picked names yet."

Isaac nodded in understanding. "That's okay. Blossom and I didn't choose names until they were born."

Misty felt guilty for not having her own offspring's names yet. "Oh, I just feel bad." Her eyes were stinging with tears.

Oh great. More random emotions.

Isaac glanced at her once and nuzzled her cheek. "It's okay."

"I don't understand why these annoying feelings keep popping up." She sniffled.

"Blossom had the same problem. It's normal." Isaac shrugged, trying to make her feel better.

A Wolf's Tale (Book #2) Shadows of the PastHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin