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As soon as I entered my apartment my companions were out and about. I stumbled over to the couch and collapsed there, falling asleep.

I woke up to someone scratching behind my tiger ears, okay only one person knows how to make me purr from that. I groggily opened my eyes and glared at Ze who giggled, backing away from me as I sat up with a growl.

"Sorry, you wouldn't wake up!" She laughed, her brown curly hair sticking up every which way. I lifted one eyebrow at her tiredly, not happy about being woken up. I looked down and noticed all my companions were around me, sleeping. I glared at Ze and laid down, trying to go back to sleep.

"Oh no you don't, we're going to the park with Steve!" Ze yelled, grabbing my ankle and fucking PULLING me off the couch. I huffed and laid on the floor after I had face planted there, twitching my now free tail in anger. I reached under the couch and grabbed my mask, pulling it on. The silk cloth covered my nose, mouth, and jaw. It had a stitched frown on it that I love since it was in red.

I stood up, looking down at King who was slithering up my leg. I picked him up and placed him on my neck where he curled up. I looked at the others and sighed when they gave me puppy dog eyes. I glared at Ze who was smiling innocently. I went to open the door, careful to not trip over any excited companion. I opened the door and immediately saw Steve, glaring at a sheepish Ze who quickly ran over and jumped on his back. I sighed and began heading to the park, petting King's head cause the others kept play fighting.

Maybe twenty minutes later we reached the park, immediately all my companions but King ran off. I sighed and sat on the bench, feeling the dark bags under my eyes. I closed my eyes and fell asleep right there.

I woke up to a large amount of warmth and fur. I grumbled and sat up, pushing them all off. They ran off and I sat with King, making sure he stayed warm. I mean he hid the scar on my neck so that's a plus. I stood up when I saw WS and Choco fighting, growling when a clearly drunk man stumbled up to me and leaned against me.

"H-hey! Why don you com home wit me aye?" The man slurred, leaning in to attempt to kiss me. In response I removed my collapsed bo staff from its sheath on my back. I spun it around so it extended, placing one end in between the guy's legs on the ground of course. When he looked down I snapped the staff up, hearing him scream as I watched him collapse. I looked at the black cat companion of his and it looks at me, the two of us sighing heavily.

I pressed the button and forced my staff back into its collapsed form, sliding it in its sheath. I quickly ran over to the two fighting dogs and pulled them apart, getting bit by both of them in the process. I need to put gauze on after this damn. I sighed and whistled, feeling all but two of my companions turn into a tattoo. In response I looked around, ignoring the fact that Ze and Steve FUCKING LEFT ME!

My eyes landed on Honey and Ash with two people I vaguely recognized. Two soulmates so soon? With a heavy sigh I turned and started making my way home. Until a very large body forced me to the ground. I spat out dirt and grass and glared at the extremely large tiger laying on my back. His metal collar still had the broken chain, same with the shackles on his front paws. I sighed and rested my head back on the ground as I head two sets of human feet running over. My tail unconsciously tightened its place around my waist, seeming to be a tiger print belt.

"Hey are you alright?! ROBIN GET OFF THEM!" Someone yelled, struggling to even move the slowly agitating tiger. I let out a soft sigh.

"Robin." I snapped, the tiger immediately jumping off me. I stood up and brushed myself off and glared at him, seeing him slowly become afraid.

"You owe me a new jacket dammit! You're lucky it isnt white or I would castrate you right here!" I roared, crossing my arms as I glared at him.

"How, what. Huh?" The man asked, he goes with Ash.

"I'm Julie, Julie Tigress. Robin's companion. I assume you two go with Honey and Ash?" I sighed, rubbing my eyes tiredly. Where the hell is Ze. I pulled out my phone and unlocked it, looking back up at them.

"Uh, yeah. I'm Vanda and dis is Clint." The woman, Wanda stated. I nodded my head and clicked on Ze's contact, putting my ear to the phone as Robin and the other two companions tried to get my attention. After a bit Ze's voice called thru the phone, based on her tone she knows why I called her.

"You and Steve best pick me up within the next fifteen minutes, you will be banned from having any of my food or staying over when Steve is on a mission. GOT IT?!" I snapped, hearing a gulp from her end. And then another one, knew it.

"Y-yes ma-ma'am!!" I heard, growling softly I hung up and rubbed the bridge of my nose. I turned back to Clint and Wanda who seemed really confused.

"I got seven soulmates, all I'm doing is giving their companions back so I can go one with my living hell. So take Honey and Ash and do what you want, I got five others to find." I grumbled, rubbing my hand thru Robin's fur. My eyes looked at the scar over his right eye, a scar matching the one I hide. I smiled softly and turned to leave.

"W-WAIT WE KNOW THE OTHERS!!" Clint yelled, making me pause.

"I'm finding them myself, I don't do crowds." I hummed, continuing my walk. I felt Honey and Ash walk beside me.

"You two can go to your humans, I'll miss you but they raised you. Not me." I sighed.

"We know Julie, but if they won't fight for you then we're staying with you. You're our alpha after all." Honey stated, making me sigh. Always feels weird talking to animals, no matter how much I do it.

"You guys know the other five?" I hummed, looking down at the two as I waited for Ze and Steve.

"Lizzie is companions with Bruce Banner, WS is companions with Bucky Barnes, King is companions with Loki, Choco is companions with Tony Stark, and Raven is companions with Natasha Romanoff." Honey quickly barked.

"All Avengers? Man my life is gonna be even worse..." I mumbled, feeling Ash and Honey become tattoos as Ze pulled up on Steve's bike. I glared at her and quickly got on, both of us staying quiet as she drove to my place.

Man I hate my life...

The Girl With a Tiger SoulOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant